"I'm not going to break if you come closer"

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I woke up by multiple beeps, the light above me was bright and there was a hand clutching mine. It was a miracle I was alive. I had been beaten up like I was a punching bag and left with broken bones. "Reece, where am I?" I ask him. Afraid. Scared. And in pain.

"You're at the hospital. George found you knocked out on the floor." He told me. Why wasn't George here?

"What's going to happen?" I ask again.

"George and Blake are at the station. Your dad is coming as soon as he can. You are going to live with him." Reece tells me. I'm going to live with my Pa. I smile he always wanted to take custody over me but my mum wouldn't let him.

"Do they know?" I asked him weakly. Reece looked at me eyes wide and slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry Luna but I couldn't let this happen again when you didn't open the door I knew something wasn't right. I just knew my gut told me and I couldn't ignore it." He explained. The tears welled up in my eyes.

"Is he mad at me?" I asked. Reece shock his head.

"I think he's more mad at himself for not realising and me for not telling him." Reece says tracing circles on my hand. "It's all going to be okay." He reassures me. He carried on explaining everything I needed to know until the door burst open and there revealed my dad who looked angry and sad, behind him was Jenn who looked concerned and sick.

"Luna!" My dad exclaimed loudly and man did I think I was in trouble. I didn't say anything because I embraced myself for getting lectured.

"Tomás don't" Jenn warned him.

"Jenn I wasn't going to." He turned to look at Jenn who was standing in the door way. He turns around to look at me "Luna why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he walks over and gives me a cuddle.

"Which part?" I say unsure of what he knows.

"All of it. Luna He was hitting you and you didn't say anything." Dad said with his teeth gritted together.

"He wasn't just hitting me Pa...." I started.

"What else?" He looked me in the eyes and I refused to keep eye contact with him. My eyes flickers to Reece and he nods to tell me that nothing bad would happen. "Luna.."

"He was ra- he was..." I start before taking a deep breath "Jason was.. raping me." I finally admit.

"Oh honey are you alright?" Jenn asked me as she walked round the side of my bed.

"I feel okay. Except my bones hurt." I tell her "and my face."

"Reece long time no see."Dad says to him as Reece stands up to hug him . "Thank you for looking after my girl" He said Reece nodded.

"You should also thank George. He's only tried to protect her." Reece said. I smiled, I really did have an amazing boyfriend.

"George? As in George Smith. My neighbour?" My dad asked me.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend" I tell him. My dad turns to Jenn and smiled.

"Maybe you could use some good news." Jenn suggests. I look at her and nod.

"Define good." I laughed. My rib had a sudden pain causing me to shut up immediately.

"Well how do you feel about being a big sister?" She asked me. I look at her.

"Oh my bejesus you're pregnant.!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"We were going to tell you when you next came down but I thought I might as well give you some good news now." She says.

"I'm really happy for you." I tell her.

"Honey why are you crying?" She asks.

"You're going to make a brilliant mum again" I tell her "that kid will be lucky" I cried gently.

"I know your mum did a shitty job looking after you, just know that you have me and you are an amazing young lady. You'll make a terrific mum one day." She says wiping my tears being careful not to hurt my broken nose.

"Look George she's awake" I could here Blake whisper from the door way. George stands there with red puffy eyes and a look which suggests he just couldn't walk in further.

"George?" I call out. My voice cracking whilst saying his name. He looks at me and smiles as he stays still in the doorway still.

"You okay?" He asks with a groggily voice. It was obviously that he had either been crying or shouting.

"Better than before." I tell him. "Come here" I call out softly. He hesitates for a moment before shuffling forwards a little bit.

"Here we will give you a moment together" Jenn said pulling my dad out, dad stops in front of George and says "Thank you, Thank you for looking after my baby". Reece and Blake followed patting George on the shoulder before leaving the room. George stood awkwardly away from the bed still after everyone left and there was a slight uncomfortable silence. "George I'm not going to break if you come closer" I whisper.

"I'm sorry." He said. His voice trembling "it's just that he hurt you. He hurt you." He adds his eyes filling up with tears and going bloodshot.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I tell him as I reach out and grab his arm gently.

"But you're not are you. You're- you're here. You're in the hospital." He cried softly. He looked so broken and it broke my heart.

"But I'm alive aren't I?" I ask him. I smile at him.

"What if I hadn't have found you?" He asks "what if he did it again?" He asks holding my face. I stroke over his hand that was cupping my cheek.

"I'm sorry." Now it's my turn to apologise.

"No it's not your fault." He assures me. Leaning  over my bed and kissing my gently on my lips.

"I'm going to kill him." He said pulling away.

Bruises | George SmithWhere stories live. Discover now