Jesse's Pool Party

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-Time Jump To Saturday-

Oliver's POV:

Mia had woken up before me, which was not a surprise. She was standing by my drawer on her phone. I admired her from the bed. She didn't notice that I was awake and she went into the restroom to get ready. After looking at my phone to see what time it was; 9:45, I decided to get ready myself. I knocked on the bathroom door to see if I could come in. She said "Come in." When I opened the door, I see her in a white blouse and some black ripped shorts. I hugged her from behind and kissed her neck. She smiled and said "Good morning to you too, Oliver." I chuckled at her remark. She said "So Dylan texted me and said that Jesse's pool party was going to be at 1." I said "Great. So we have 4 hours for ourselves" (I know it's actually 3 hours and 15 minutes; I just wanted to make it short.). She said "Ollie, just get ready and we can have all the time in the world for each other." I asked her "Is that what you're going to be wearing to Jesse's party?" She shook her head 'No.' and said "You'll see what I'm going to wear. I'm going to surprise you." I said smiling "Can't wait." Since we didn't want to be at home, we decided to go to a park and talked until 12, we decided to head back and got ready. I was going to wear a pair of black and white swim trunks that my mom got me and Sebastian.

Mia's POV:

I went inside the restroom to change. When I went to the mall with Zoe and Dylan last week, I bought a white bikini with some blue flowers on it and I wore a thin flower cardigan over it. When I came out of the restroom, I saw Oliver putting on a white tee shirt. When he saw me, he said "Wow! You look amazing." I smiled and said "You don't look bad yourself babe." I kissed him and the door opened and we pulled away and it was Sebastian. Sebastian said "You guys coming?" We nodded our heads. Me and Sebastian got into Oliver's car and we headed over to Dyl's house go pick her up. I sat in the back with her as we drove over to Jesse's place. When we arrived, my mouth dropped. Zoe and Dylan said that his party was at a mission but I didn't expect it to be THAT huge. The parking space could hold more than 20 cars. Some people were outside drinking. Oliver found a good place to park and we all got out of the car. We went inside and the place was huge. I held Oliver's hand as we headed to the backyard where there were tons of people in pool and hot tub. We met up with Jesse, who was shirtless and he was talking with some guys and one of them was MY BROTHER. Jesse dabbed up Oliver and Sebastian and hugged Dylan and Zoe. He then said "You must be Mia, right?" I said "Yea. How'd you know?" Jesse smiled and said "Your brother here told me he has a sister named Mia and you look a lot like him. The nose and the eyes. And based on the way that you're holding hands with Oliver, I'm assuming you're his girlfriend, right? Zoe and Dylan have been talking about you non-stop." I have a small smile and said "All good things, I hope." He smiled and nodded his head 'Yes' and said "It's really nice to meet you, Mia." I said "You too." And he pulled me into a hug. I spent the first two hours talking with Oliver, Sebastian, Zoe, Dylan, Cody, Jesse And Brian. We learned so much about each other and we had so much fun. I took off my cardigan because I was getting pretty hot and we continued to talk.
All of a sudden, Sebastian said to the group "LAST ONE IN IS A ROTTEN EGG!!!" Me, Zoe, Dylan, Cody, Oliver, Sebastian and Oliver ran and jumped into the pool as fast as we could and Brian and Jesse were racing each other but they slipped on a puddle of water and slid right into the pool. I said while laughing "Guess both Brian and Jesse are the rotten eggs." We all started laughing and Jesse and Brian started splashing water all over us. We spent about an hour in the pool and Oliver kissed me multiple times and all of our friends started wooing us, including Zoe and Cody, who made out in the pool. We eventually got out of the pool and I sat on Oliver's lap in one of those chairs. Brian came over and asked "So, sis you enjoying the party?" I said "Yea. But you know, when you texted me the other night saying that you would be staying at Jesse's house, I had no idea it would be this Jesse. How are you even friends with him?" Brian said "Oh we met each other a while ago when he was in San Francisco visiting his girlfriend who's my ex-girlfriend's best friend." I said "Ohhh." Brian said "So looks like you and Oliver are doing good now, huh?"while pointing at Oliver. I said smiling "Yea."

Jesse's POV:

I didn't talk much to a lot of people at the party. I said hi and introduced myself to everyone at the party and talked a little to some people here and there but I spent most of the time talking and hanging out with Brian, Sebastian, Oliver, Cody, Mia, Zoe and Dylan. I looked for my sister Rachel until I found her in her bedroom, knocked out on her boyfriend. I let her sleep, considering the fact that I knew she was pretty tired. I couldn't believe when I saw Johnny and Mackenzie at my party. I ran up to them and I said to Johnny "Bro! I didn't know you were here!" Johnny said "Come on Jes, you know I would never pass up an opportunity to go to your parties!" I fist bumped him and then I hugged Mackenzie. I introduced Johnny and Mackenzie(Jenzie) to Brian and Mia. Johnny and Mackenzie basically knows Sebastian, Oliver, Cody, Zoe and Dylan. Mackenzie and Mia immediately took a liking to each other. Around 5, I went to the DJ and grabbed the microphone and said "HEY EVERYONE! I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OUT TO MY POOL PARTY TODAY! I HOPED YOU ALL HAD A GOOD TIME! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH AND I HOPE TO SEE YOUR FACES AGAIN AT MY NEXT PARTY! I LOVE YOU ALL! NOW GO JUMP INTO THE POOL FOR A SURPRISE!!!" Mostly everyone started to run towards the pool and I turned on the waves so waves were flowing through the pool. The rest were clapping after hearing my speech. That was Mia, Oliver, Sebastian, and Dylan. Mia asked "Are you planning on throwing more parties?" I said "Oh yea. It's about each year, I throw at least what...3 or 4 parties, right Oliver?"looking at Oliver. Oliver nodded his head and said "Yea about that." For the next couple of hours, we were all together until my best friend who I haven't seen in the longest, Loren come up to me and hugged me. I hugged her tightly She then introduced herself to Mia. Mia and her talked a lot and it seemed like they became best friends, especially since both of them have the same last name, only spelt differently. Everyone started to leave around 7. Oliver, Sebastian, Mia, Zoe, Cody, and Dylan were the last ones to leave. Mia said bye to Brian and left. Brian helped me clean up and I said "Thanks man." After we cleaned everything up, I asked "Do you know if Lisa(my girlfriend) is good?" He said "Well, she didn't like it when I said I would be moving to Florida. But I think she's okay." "Yea. Can I tell you something?" I asked. He said "Yea. Of course." I said "Last time I went to visit Lisa, she And I asked her about it but she said it was nothing. And I couldn't help but get the feeling that she was cheating on me." Brian asked "You're thinking that Lisa is cheating on you?" I said "I just have a gut feeling but I don't know if it's true. But I don't think she loves me the way I do with her." Brian said "You know I can text her." I nodded my head and said "Okay." And I went to my room while Brian went to the guest room.

Brian's POV:

I knew Jesse was having cold feet about his and Lisa's relationship so I decided to text her.

Brian😇: "Hey Lisa. Are you busy right now?"
Lisa💄: "No why?"
Brian😇: "Well I need to talk to you."
Lisa💄: "Is everything okay?"
Brian😇: "Not exactly. But I don't think I could text you it. You think I could call you?"
Lisa💄: "It's no problem at all. Go ahead."

I decided to dial Lisa's number. She picked up immediately and said "Hey Brian." I said calmly "Hi Lisa." She said "It's good to hear your voice again, Brian." I said "Yea." She asked "So what is it that you need to ask me?" I said "So you know I moved to Florida...and I'm best friends with Jesse. And as his best friend, I need to know...are you cheating on Jesse." I didn't hear her say anything for a long time and I asked "Lisa? Are you still there?" She said "Uhh...uh...yea...I'm still here...I just-uh." I said "So you are cheating on Jesse, aren't you Lisa?" She said "I didn't mean to. I just felt like I couldn't do the long distance relationship thing. I could barely see him and it didn't make me happy." I said getting angry "YOU BARELY SAW HIM?! LISA, ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO YOURSELF RIGHT NOW? JESSE LITERALLY TRIED TO MAKE TIME ON HIS SCHEDULE TO FLY ALL THE WAY FROM FLORIDA TO SAN FRANCISCO JUST TO SEE YOU! AND THAT'S THE BULLSHIT YOU'RE GIVING ME?! IT DIDN'T MAKE YOU HAPPY? HE LOVED YOU, LISA FOR GODS SAKE AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIM?!" All Lisa said "I'm sorry, Brian." I said "No cut the crap, Lisa. I don't want to hear it. Jesse doesn't deserve you and you definitely don't deserve him." I then hung up the phone. I then went to Jesse's room and saw him asleep. I guess I'll tell him tomorrow.

-Next chapter is Mia's birthday!! Brian confronted Jesse's EX girlfriend! How would Jesse react?-


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