My Past...

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Mia's POV:

I took a deep breath and said "Well when I was in San Francisco, I was kind of a loner. I only talked to a couple of people but I really only had one friend and her name was Jennifer. During my sophomore year, I went to a baseball game because Jennifer asked me to and I met their captain, James, who turned out to be her brother. After the game, around school, he would always try to come up to me and flirt with me and all that. I never flirted back until almost the end of sophomore year, he started to hang out more with me and Jennifer and brought us into his group of friends and he eventually asked me to be his girlfriend. We were dating ever since then. I don't know what it was, but it's like I felt safe with him but he wasn't clingy, he was just really possessive with me for two years, I didn't get to spend my birthday with my family or friends. He just wanted me to spend with him and him only. We continued dating until I moved here. He was pissed when I told him I was moving and he said that he didn't want anything to do with me. And ever since then, I haven't texted him. But what I'm saying Oliver, is that for two years, I never got to spend a normal birthday with my friends or family until today. Thanks to you, Seb, Dyl, Zoe, Cody, Jesse and all of our friends, I had an amazing day. And that's why I'm so thankful for today. You guys gave me something that I didn't get for two years." After I told him everything, Oliver was shocked and it felt as if he couldn't say anything. His head was looking down. I put my hand on his chin and I said "Oliver...if you're thinking of the question do I still love him, the answer is no. No I don't want anything to do with him. I love you and you only." He nodded his head and he kissed me softly.

Oliver's POV:

Soon, Mia fell asleep but I couldn't. After what Mia had told me, I couldn't sleep. How could she date someone that never let her spend a birthday with her friends and family. Eventually, I did fall asleep at 2am. When I woke up the next morning, I realized that it was already 9am. Mia wasn't in bed. I decided to get ready and decided to wear a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans and a black jean jacket. I went downstairs and see Mia and Sebastian talking on the couch while drinking some coffee. I poured myself a cup and sat next to Mia. I saw her playing with the bracelet I got her for her birthday and I smiled. She noticed that I was smiling at her and she said "Oliver, I love this." I joked with her and said "I never said you didn't." She smiled and kissed me. Suddenly, Sebastian said "So, I'm going to go over to Cody's house and hang out. You wanna come, Oliver?" I said "Nah, I want to be with Mia." He said "Okay, suit yourself. Bye Mia." She said "Bye, Seb." We spent majority of the day watching Netflix and I made her lunch, which she enjoyed.

Brian's POV:

I knew I had to tell Jesse about Lisa. I couldn't bear to ho the burden of keeping something like that from my best friend. When he woke up, he said "Yo, Brian you trying to go skateboarding??" While grabbing his skateboard. I said "Jesse, I have talk to you...about Lisa." He said "Oh okay. Go for it...". I said "Okay, so the day at your pool party. When I told you, I was going to confront Lisa, I did. I asked her if she was cheating on you and she couldn't answer and I pressured her and asked if she was cheating and she said sorry and that she didn't mean to to cheat on you. She said that she wasn't happy because she couldn't handle the long-distance relationship and she barely saw you but I fired back when I said that you have made so much time on your schedule to fly from Florida to SF to see you. She said she was sorry. But I was so angry and I said that she doesn't deserve someone like you." Jesse had small tears and I said "Jesse, you don't deserve someone like Lisa." He said "Yea. Thanks man." He went to his room but as he walked, I said "Listen I'm here for you, if you need anything." Jesse tried to manage a smile and said "Thank you."

-So, Brian told Jesse about Lisa! Next chapter, Mia and Loren going to prepare for the Edgewood High School annual talent show-


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