Packing For College

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Mia's POV:

I couldn't believe our summer 19 was over. It has been truly one of the best summers ever. This year has been amazing. I filmed 2 music videos, I graduated high school and in all, I had the best people around me. It was the end of July and I had to get myself prepared for University of Miami. UOM was a 4-hour drive from Ocala but Oliver's older brother Alex offered for us to stay at his place since he lives at a luxurious penthouse only 20 minutes from UOM. I packed most of the clothes I know I'm going to need. I packed most of my jeans, tank tops, blouses, skirts, leggings and shorts. I then cleaned up my room so it could be nice. I was pretty sad that I was leaving this place but I knew I would be home every weekend and holidays. I gave my mom and Brian a loving, goodbye hug before I left. My mom said "I'm so proud of you Mia." I smiled. I walk over to Oliver's place where he was all packed up and ready to go. He asked "Are you ready?" I nodded my head. I said bye to Natalia, Mateo and Sebastian before I hopped in Oliver's Tesla and we drove down to Miami. I fell asleep on the way down there. When we got there, Oliver woke me up. I was still pretty sleepy. But we got out of the van and I grabbed my bag and suitcase. We walked up to the penthouse. The penthouse was huge. Oliver knocked on the door and Alex opened the door. Oliver hugged his older brother and Alex pulled me into a hug as well. We both came in and Alex said "Okay, so there's 4 rooms. You guys can share one if you'd like or sleep in separate. I don't mind. And 3 of the bedrooms have a bathroom connected to it." I said "Thank you." Oliver and I decided to share a room. The room was pretty big and it had a balcony. I was up in the room, taking my clothes out of my suitcase. Oliver then came up and said "Okay so Alex has some work he has to do so he's going to come home late. Do you want to eat anything?" I said "Uh...yea I'm actually pretty hungry." He said "Okay let me know when you want to leave and I'll take you." He kissed me lightly before he left the room. I continued to unpack my stuff and put some stuff in the closet. I changed into a pair of tight, ripped, black jeans and a blue shirt with gray stripes. I put on my checkered slip-on vans and came downstairs. I didn't see Oliver so I went outside and I see him starting up his car. He asked "You ready?" I smiled and said "I'm starving Ollie." He asked "So what do you want?" I said "I don't know what they have in Miami. Do you have any recommendations?" Oliver had thought about it for a little before he said "YES! I KNOW WHERE TO TAKE YOU!" I smiled and got inside his car. It definitely wasn't a long drive because soon enough, we arrived at a resturaunts called "Sakaya Kitchen." It was a Korean resturaunts. We ate our food, which was soooo amazing. I said "Oliver, I have to admit. This might actually be my favorite restaurant." He smiled and said "Oh trust me. There are many more resturaunts I wall take you to eat." Once we got back, Oliver and I made a whole bunch of TikToks together before I decided to get ready for bed. Oliver and I spent the next few days, getting all of our stuff ready for college.

-Alright, next chapter is the final chapter where everyone are most likely all adults now and they have their own lives now. TYSM FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS READ THIS BOOK AND SUPPORTED ME! I LOVE YOU ALL SO, SO MUCH!-


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