Back Home to Florida

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Mia's POV:

Oliver, Zoe, Loren, Cody, Jesse and I came back home to Florida yesterday afternoon. When I woke up, it was 8. We had to go to the school today so practice for our graduation walk and pick up our tickets for tomorrow. I found a good outfit to wear, which was a pair of light blue ripped jeans, a plain gray shirt, and I tied around a plaid shirt around my waist. I put on my Apple Watch on my left wrist. I went downstairs and saw my mom prepared some breakfast. She said "Good morning hon. I made breakfast. Why don't you text Oliver and Sebastian to see if he wants to come over and have breakfast with us." I nodded my head 'Yes' and texted Oliver.

Mia😍💘: "Hey Oliver do you and Sebastian want to come over and eat breakfast? My mom made some."
Oliver🥰❤️: "Sure I'm on my way right now."

I said to my mom "Yea Oliver is on his way." My mom said "Alright." Not long after my mom makes three plates, the doorbell rings and I go to open it. I then see Oliver and I kiss him quickly. I ask "Sebastian?" He said "Still asleep." I said "He's probably still tired know finals." He walks in and hugs my mom. We sit next to each other while my mom sits across from us. Oliver compliments on how good the food is and I smile. My mom asks Oliver "So Oliver, you're attending University of Miami as well?" Oliver smiled and said "Yea. I'm planning on studying biomedical engineering." My mom said "Wow. That's really good." Oliver smiled and thanked her and we spent a while at the house before leaving. Oliver drive us in his Tesla. Throughout the whole ride, Oliver held my hand in which I had a huge smile. When we arrived at the school, we saw lots of people already there. I texted Zoe and Loren to see where they were. However, they didn't text back but we heard someone shout "MIA! OLIVER!" We looked behind and saw Zoe, Loren and Cody come up and hug us. I ask "Are you guys excited??" Zoe said "HELL YEA! WE'RE FINALLY GRADUATING!!!" We all laughed and talked for a little bit until Ms. Sanders, our senior assistant principal said "Attention seniors." Everyone got quiet and she said "Okay, so all of the chairs have been set up with your last name first and then first name. So please find yours and sit there until we start." Loren and I went together since basically our last names are the same except it's spelled differently. It didn't take long before we found our seat and sat next to each other. Once everyone got seated down, Ms. Sanders said "Okay, so now that you have all sat down, this is where you will be sitting during the ceremony. So, you guys will get 10 tickets to give to your family for graduation by the silver building. Please give your phones to a family member. And the envelope that is being passed around right now holds the graduation attire and what you have to wear as well as 2 parking pass for your family. Now we're going to practice." It took about 2 hours once we finished the practice. Ms Sanders said "Okay now that we have all finished with that, you guys have to get all your papers and tickets and then you can head to the table by the Blue Rattler where you guys can get some drinks, pizza and cupcakes. That is all, graduates! I will see you all tomorrow! Go 2019!" Loren and I got one of the envelopes and then headed to the silver building to grab our tickets. Once we got our tickets, we waited for Oliver, Zoe and Cody and when they came, we went to grab a pizza and cupcake. We didn't want to stay at the school for long so we went home. Once Oliver dropped me off, I kissed him and I said "I'll see you tomorrow." When I opened the door, I heard a whole bunch of people talking inside the house and when I came in, I saw Brian, my Uncle Brandon, his wife Lynna, their kids Jamie and Sophie and my cousin Catelyn and her boyfriend, Ricky. I was so happy and hugged all of them . I asked Lynna "Wait, what are you guys doing here??" Lynna said "Your mom wanted us to come for your graduation so here we are." I smiled and hugged them tightly. I then also saw my mom's boyfriend, Thomas who I loved him. He was the sweetest. I hugged him. "Thankfully, I have 10 tickets because they are nine of you here." I said with a chuckle. After hanging out with my family for a little bit, I went up to my room to prepare for gradation tomorrow. My cap and gown were still placed in the bag. My dress was hung in my closet after I got it cleaned the week before I left for Panama. I looked at my dress, which was a white skater dress that was just above my knees a little bit. I also got 5 honor cords for the work I did throughout the school year, a national honor society sash and a medal for all A's. I laid all of those out on my bed and looked at them. I was proud of myself. I then opened up the envelope we got from earlier. I grabbed the letter first and it said:

Belleview High School Seniors 2019:

Attention class of 2019! There are a few news most of you already know but for those who don't, graduation attire-
-Female Graduation Attire is an all white dress or skirt or slacks with white, silver, black or nude shoes or sandals under your blue graduation gown and cap. Please make sure to walk comfortably in your shoes.
-Male Graduation Attire is wearing navy or black pants, a white collared shirt with a navy tie and in dark shoes and socks. Please do not wear jeans.
-Graduates, please arrive at the arena at 12:20pm.

Parents and Family of Upcoming Graduates:
-Please park in the section of the auditorium saying "BELLEVIEW HIGH SCHOOL 2019 GRADUATION"
There will be plenty of parking there.
-Parents and graduates will pass through a metal detector as they enter the auditorium.
-Doors for guests will open at 1:00pm and ceremony will start at 2:00pm.

Congratulations to all graduates, their family and friends! We are very proud of the Belleview High School Class of 2019! We are excited to celebrate all they have accomplished and look forward to hearing about their future accomplishments! See you all tomorrow!

I smiled and put the letter on my table and I took the parking pass out of the envelope to give to my mom. I went downstairs to see that my mom and Lynna made dinner. I pulled my mom aside for a quick second and gave her the 2 parking pass and she went to put it in her car. I jumped on the couch and sat next to Catelyn and Ricky and caught up with them. Catelyn was a junior in high school. After we ate dinner, I was up in my room, looking at my laptop until I received a message from Oliver.

Oliver🥰❤️: "Hey so do you want me to pick you up so we could head to the auditorium tomorrow together? My mom, Sebastian and Mateo are going to leave the house after."
Mia😍💘: "Yea that sounds great. Do you know if Dylan, Johnny and Kenzie can come as well?"
Oliver🥰❤️: "Yea I have about 4 tickets left. I can give it to them."
Mia😍💘: "Okay Yea it's cuz I literally only have 1 left. My family is over here right now."
Oliver🥰❤️: "Haha XD! So anyways, I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Mia😍💘: "Okay bye I love you."
Oliver🥰❤️: "Love you too."

After texting Oliver, I got a knock on my door and I saw Catelyn. She walked in and I asked "What's up?" She said "Do you have any towels? Because I asked your mom and she said it's in the closet but she was kind of talking on the phone so I don't know." I said "Oh yea it's right here." I led her to the closet and gave her a towel and she thanked me. I then watched some Netflix before falling asleep, knowing that I was graduating the next day.



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