"Hi Mom."

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Mia's POV:

When we arrived back at the house, I received a text message from my mom.

Mom💓: "Hey Mia. Can I call you? I have major news for you."
Mia🤗❤️: "Sure."

I went into the backyard of the Moy house where they had a pool. I sat on one of the chairs and my mom called. I answered "Hello?" My mom said "Hi Mia." I said "How are you?" She answered "I'm good. But I have news to tell you." She sounded excited and I said "What is it?" She said happily "MIA! YOU GOT ACCEPTED INTO 3 UNIVERISTIES!!!" I gasped and tried so hard not to scream and said "MOM, NO WAY ARE YOU SERIOUS??!" She said "Deadly, hon! I am so proud of you." I could not contain my smile and I said "Oh my god! Thank you so much for telling me mom!" My mom said "Your welcome! Have you told your brother yet?" I said "No. I haven't yet but I thought that maybe we should talk all together again." My mom was definitely not expecting when I said that. She said "Of course! How about a dinner around 7?" I said "Sure! So, I'm going to call Brian and let him know." She said "Okay." I went inside the house after my call with mom and I told Oliver the news. He was very proud of me and he also got accepted into University of Miami, in which both of us decided to go there together. I also told Oliver that I would go over to my mom and he nodded his head. I kissed him before I went upstairs and I got ready. Before I did anything, I texted Brian.

Mia😼: "Hey Brian. Mom wants a dinner with both of us later tonight at 7. Can you come?"
Brian🤦🏼‍♀️❤️: "Sure I'll be there."
Mia😼: "Okay. I'll see you soon."

I then looked through Oliver's drawers where most of my clothes have been placed in for the past couple months that I've been staying with Oliver. I decided to wear a black sleeveless shirt and white jeans. I tied up my hair and look at myself in the mirror. I applied a small amount of makeup before slipping on a pair of black flats and grabbing my bag and went downstairs. I then gave a kiss to Oliver and said bye to him. I walked over to my house and knocked on the door. My mom opened the door. She was wearing a beautiful gray blouse and a pair of mom jeans. I said "Hi Mom." She smiled and said "Hi Mia." She hugged me and told me to come in. I walked inside and the house changed a lot. There were a couple paintings hung up in the living room as well as pictures. My mom was making chicken parmesan pasta, which smelt extremely delicious throughout the whole house. Soon, the doorbell rang and I went to open it and I see Brian. I hug him. We both came in. Brian hugged our mom and we all sat down at the table. I grabbed myself a plate full of the pasta. And my mom asked "So, Mia does Brian know?" Brian makes a confused look and I said "Brian. I got accepted into 3 Universities!!" He said "NO WAY! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU LIL SIS!" He got up and hugged me. I said "Thank you so much, Brian! It means a lot." He asked "So? Have you decided what school you're going to." I said "Yea. I'm choosing University of Miami with Oliver." I then looked at my mom who looked confused and I said "Oh right mom. Yea, I'm dating Oliver now." She smiled and said "I'm not mad hon. I'm very happy for you." I said "Thanks mom." We spent most of the time talking. After the dinner, I was washing the dishes. Brian had left the house already and I was on the couch watching something on TV and my mom sits down next to me. She says "So Mia. I just want you to know that I cut off everything with Noah. I'm done with him." I asked "Wait, so how long ago have you been done with Noah?" She said "For the past 3 months." I said "What? Mom, three months! Why didn't you say anything?" She said "I figured you might have needed some time alone. Besides, honey I heard what you told me over the dinner. You seem like you have a good, fun life." I smiled and said "Yea. I do but mom, you're still my mom and I'm always going to be there for you. So, you have been living by yourself for the past 3 months?" "I'm okay." My mom commented. I then received a message from Oliver.

Oliver🥰❤️: "Babe, Sebastian, Cody, Johnny and I are going to Jesse's place to hang out. We'll probably be home around 11. The keys are under the carpet in the front door if you're going to come back."

I thought about it and I looked at my mom and asked "Mom, do you want me to stay here for the night?" She smiled and said "If you want to." I replied back to Oliver.

Mia😍💘: "Yea. I'm going to stay at my mom's tonight. I'll be back tomorrow."
Oliver🥰❤️: "Alright Babe. I love you I'll see you tomorrow❤️."
Mia😍💘: "I love you too❤️."

After spending some time with my mom, I eventually got ready for bed. I also told my mom that I wouldn't be home that much tomorrow since I was going to have a girls day with Dylan, Loren, Mackenzie and Zoe. I changed into a pair of Adidas shorts and a black tank top. I was on my bed watching Stranger Things on my MacBook before I went to sleep around 11.

-So the girls are going to have a girls day next chapter and they encounter someone there who gives Mia and Loren an amazing opportunity!!! Who is it???-


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