Mia's Ex Is Back???

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-Time Jump To Friday-

Mia's POV:

I woke up today and got ready for school. Oliver didn't want to wake up because the previous night, he was playing video games all night with Sebastian, Cody, Johnny, Jesse and Brian. I wore the boyfriend "Moy Army" sweater over my gray shirt and blue ripped jeans. I put on a pair of vans. I woke up Oliver and he groaned and said "Babe, I don't want to wake up." I said "Fine, I'll grab your senior portrait picture for you then." He said "Alright. Alright, I'll wake up." I smiled. I went downstairs but as I passed Sebastian's room, I noticed he was also asleep so I woke him up as well. We all went inside the school and we saw all of our friends sitting at a table. We sat down with them and we all talked before we went to class. During lunch, Oliver, Zoe, Cody, Loren and I went to the table where they were giving out our senior portrait pictures. We told our names and we got our pictures. I looked at them and it came out so pretty. All of our friends wanted to look at it. I looked at Oliver's pictures and his came out really good as well. After gym class, I went to my locker and as soon as I opened it, a note fell out and it said "Mia". I picked it up and opened it. I saw something written it.

I'm back, Mia. I came back for you. I'll see you around soon ;) -James.

I started breathing heavily and I was so nervous. But suddenly, Loren and Mackenzie appeared with a smile. I quickly put the note into my pocket. I managed to make a small smile and Mackenzie asked "Mia, you...uh...you okay?" I said "Umm..." Loren cut in and said "Mia, what's going on? You're not okay." I took a deep breath and pulled out the note and gave it to Kenzie. She opened it and both her and Loren read it. I said "James is my ex-boyfriend who got very pissed at me when I moved here. He thought when I said I was moving here, he wanted me to leave him and he didn't want to talk to me anymore so I didn't get a chance to tell him that my mom got a job here. He's also the brother of my ex-best friend, Jennifer." Loren said "Oh jeez. Does Oliver know yet?" I start tearing up and said "No. not yet." Loren and Kenzie embrace me into a hug. While hugging them, I look across the hall and there, I saw James, grabbing a book out of his locker. He then makes eye contact with me but I look away but I see from the corner of my eye that he's walking towards me. I pull away and Loren and Kenzie turn around and see James walking towards us. He tries to hug me but I pull away and said "No James. You can't do this. You can't just let me not explain why I moved here in the first place, don't text or call me for 5 months and all of a sudden just pop out and try to act like nothing happened. Don't even try it. And you know what James. I'm done with you. I'm over it. Don't talk to me again." James looked hurt and looked down. Oliver and Sebastian then came up to us and saw the tense between me and James and Oliver asked "Mia, are you okay?" I nodded my head and grabbed his hand and walked away to the cafeteria where we met up with Zoe, Cody, Dylan, and Johnny already there. I was mostly quiet throughout lunch and that's when Oliver asked "Mia, are you okay?" All of them looked at me and said "It's just that my ex boyfriend. He's here now and I just...I was having such a good time, just being with you guys. Having no problems and now he's here. The note said that he came back for me but knowing him, all that was probably just a bunch of his crap." Cody asked "Mia, you're not thinking about going back to him?" Oliver looked like he had been stabbed in the heart and I said "No! Absolutely not. I don't want anything to do with James." Oliver look a little bit relieved and we all talked quietly until all of a sudden, I heard a voice saying "MIA GREYYY!" I immediately knew whose voice it was. Jennifer, James sister. I stood up and saw Jennifer, standing with James. I said "What the hell do you want, Jennifer?" She said "You know. I really wish you didn't move here. We were the best of friends back in San Francisco. You know, before you crushed my brother's heart." I scoffed and said "Okay. First, I moved here because my mom found a job here. And second of all, your brother didn't give me a chance to explain why I moved here in the first place." I then walked out.

Mackenzie's POV:

Oliver, Sebastian, Dylan, Zoe, Cody and Loren followed Mia out the door but I stayed back and said to James and Jennifer "Look, you two. I don't know exactly what happened with Mia back in San Francisco but things are different with her now. Okay, leave her alone. She doesn't want anything to do with you, so forget it alright. Now, if all you're going to be doing is trying to cause problems with Mia, go back to California. Don't stay here." I then grabbed Johnny's hands and walked away with him. I went outside the courtyard but didn't see any of our friends. I was afraid Mia wouldn't text back because of what happened so I texted Oliver.

Kenzie😛: "Ollie, where are you guys?"
Ollie😎: "We're heading to Jesse's house."
Kenzie😛: "Alright, I'll be there."

Johnny and I went to Jesse's house where Brian was hugging Mia, comforting her. Dylan asked "Where were you two at?" I said "We...well I told James to stay away from Mia." Mia smiled and said "Thanks." While preparing a dinner, Oliver pulled me away and said "Thanks for telling James." I smiled and said "Of course. Besides, I saw the way Mia was when she saw James. She was a lot different. She seemed more pissed. It was a big difference than when she is with us." Oliver said quietly "Yea." I said "Ollie, don't worry. She loves you, alright." He smiled and we both went downstairs to eat dinner. We discussed whether we should stay at Jesse's home or not. Johnny and I were going to stay at Jesse's place as well as Loren, Zoe and Cody. Oliver, Mia, Sebastian and Dylan went home.

-Next chapter, James wants to talk with Mia but would Mia accept?!-


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