The Perfect Gift

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Mia's POV:

When I woke up, I got ready for school. I realized that Oliver wasn't in bed so I assumed he already woke up. I went to the restroom to get ready. I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and I tied a red plaid shirt around it, a white blouse shirt and a blue jean jacket with some brown low heel boots. I tied my hair, half up, half down. I went downstairs to see Sebastian and Oliver talking. Oliver saw me and he kissed me. I said once he broke the kiss "So, you only wake up early whenever we go to school?" He gave me a cute smirk and kissed me. I hugged Sebastian and Oliver went upstairs to grab his bag. Oliver then drove me and Sebastian to school. On the way there, Sebastian asked "So Mia, did you have fun at Jesse's pool party Saturday?" I said "Yea! Jesse really knows how to throw parties, doesn't he?" Sebastian said "Yup." I asked "I mean but he spent most of the time at the party talking to us." Oliver said "Mostly because half of the people that was at the party, Jesse doesn't even know them. They just heard about the party and showed up." I said "Wow." When we arrived at the school, I went straight to my locker and I saw Zoe and Dylan coming up to me. I hugged them and they asked "Mia! Is your birthday this Saturday?" I smiled and said "Uhm...yea how'd you guys know?" Dylan said "Well, before we left the party, Zoe had asked Brian and he told us." I smiled and said "Yup! I'm going to be turning 18. I can't believe it myself." Zoe and Dylan hugged me tightly and said "We're definitely going to be hanging out on your birthday." I smiled and said "Yes, we will girls." I was then walking alone to class until Oliver came up from behind me and grabbed ahold of my hands. I got scared and he asked "Whoa, Mia. It's just me, Oliver. Are you okay?" I took a deep breath and said "Uh...yea. I just...I'm fine, Oliver. Don't worry." He said "Okay, we should go to class unless you're not feeling well, I could just take you home." I said "Yea. I'll just tell you." Most of my classes went by normal. During lunch, I was mostly quiet and Oliver could tell. After lunch was done, Oliver pulled me into the courtyard.

Oliver's POV:

I know Mia said that she was fine but I could tell she wasn't. She didn't talk much and was really quiet. I asked her "Mia, are you positive are you okay? Because I feel like you're not. And it makes me sad that you're not okay." She looked at me and said "It's just that ever since I've stayed with mom hasn't texted or called me, not once and like I told you, I have a bad feeling about her boss." I said "Mia, you don't have to wait for her to call you. You can call her." She smiled and said "Yea you're right." I have her a soft kiss on the forehead. When we left to go to class, I got a message from Zoe.

Zoe🌴: "Hey, look I don't know if Mia told you this but her birthday is Saturday. And I'm telling you this so you can maybe get her a gift and surprise her."
Oliver🤣: "Thanks for telling me :)"
Zoe🌴: "You got it!"

I put my phone in my pocket and smiled and decided that I really have to go to the mall soon to get Mia a gift.

Mia's POV:

I went to volleyball class and Dylan was getting ready. She said "I was worried when if you weren't coming to class or not." I said "Yea. It's just Oliver wanted to talk to me." I changed into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt saying "Edgewood High School Eagles." Dylan said "So for your birthday, what do you want to do??" I gave a positive thinking "hmmm." And said "I don't know since me, you and Zoe are going to be hanging out, why don't we go to the mall in the day time? And then maybe have a picnic, invite Oliver, Sebastian, Cody, maybe even Jesse and Brian and then at night, we all go play at Star and Strikes Entertainment Center near Brickell Avenue?" Dylan's eyes went huge and said "MIA! That is awesome! That would be the best birthday ever!" I smiled and after class was done, Dylan and I met up with Zoe. Dylan and I told her the plan for my birthday and she was actually more happier than Dylan. She said "OKAY! WE'RE GOING TO GET OUR NAILS DONE AND WE'RE GOING TO TAKE SO MANY PICTURES!" I couldn't help but smile at all the comments that she gave. After school, Oliver took me and Sebastian back to the house. I placed my bag down on the couch and went to the kitchen to pour a cup of water and I drank it. Oliver came up from behind me and said "Babe. I'm going to go run some errands for my mom real quick. I shouldn't be gone for more than an hour. If you need anything, Sebastian is going to be home." I said "Okay." And he gave me a quick peck on the lips. I sat on the kitchen island and I grabbed my bag and started to do some homework.

Oliver's POV:

I know that I did lie to Mia but I only lied 50% really. I was actually supposed to pick up Mateo from his friends but really I was going to go to the mall and buy some gifts for Mia for her birthday. I went to the jewelry store and bought her a charm bracelet and a heart necklace that said "M+O." I also went to bath and body works to buy her a lotion and perfume set. Afterwards, I went to a card shop to get her a custom made card with the cover as a picture of me and her when I took her to the carnival. I bought ahead a bunch of flowers and roses and that I would pick them up for her birthday. After the mall, I went to Mateo's friend house to pick him up. Mateo jumped into the car and hugged me. I asked him "So Mateo, did you have fun?" He nodded his head 'Yes.' When we arrived at the house, I hid the gifts when I brought them in. Mateo ran inside the house and he hugged Sebastian. He turned to the kitchen where he saw Mia working on packing up her homework. Mateo said "Miaaaa."and ran up to her and she hugged him tightly. She said "Hi Mateo. How are you?" Mateo said "I'm really good." I came over to her and kissed her. Mateo said "Get a room. There are kids in the room." pointing at himself. I said "I'll give you 10 bucks to keep your mouth shut about not telling mom that I kissed Mia in front of you." pulling out a $10 bill from my pocket. He said "DEAL!" and grabbed the money and ran off. I smiled at him. I grabbed Mia's hands and led her upstairs into my room. I was sitting on the bed and Mia was putting her bag down. I looked at her and she turned around, smiling. I took off my shirt and she sat on my lap and kissed me passionately until we both fall onto the bed.

-Next chapter is going to be Mia's birthday!!!-


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