Week 2 - Unanswered Prayers

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She was the one
That I wanted for all time
And each night I spent praying
That God would make her mine
If He'd only grant me, this wish I wished back then
I'd never ask for anything again
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
----Unanswered Prayers, Garth Brooks

Weeks one and two
Your baby has yet to be conceived.

August 26, 2021

"Oh, honey, I'm so happy to see you."  Sherry Allen was gushing.  She was hugging Grayson tightly and he wanted to laugh.  It hadn't been that long since he'd seen his parents.

"Mom, you're crushing my spine," he laughed. "And I haven't even set the bags down."

"Well, then I'll just hug my favorite daughter-in-law instead," Sherry said, reaching for Cait.

Cait laughed and hugged both of Grayson's parents. "It's good to see you both," she told them.

"Now, let Grayson take the bags upstairs and come tell me what's new with you two," Sherry said, dragging Cait into the kitchen. Sherry steered her to a seat at the island and Cait sat.

"NBC asked for a meeting with me," Cait told her. "They want to talk to me about doing some of the Olympic coverage."

"That's exciting," Sherry smiled at her. "What else?"

"No other news to report, Momma Sherry," Cait shrugged. "Gray's working out and watching film. I'm busy at work. Connor started school this week, so he's busy too. We're all status quo."

"And your dad and Joan?" Sherry slid a glass of lemonade in front of Cait.

"They're fine. Back from their trip to Morocco," Cait told her. "Business, plus a vacation."

"What about Luke and Rae?" Sherry asked.

"Also back from vacation. They went on a trip for their anniversary," Cait explained. "We're going to spend Labor Day weekend together. I wanted to go to New York, but Gray and Luke wanted to relax. So we're going to the ranch. Just wanted to get away for a few days before OTAs start."

"And Shooter?" Sherry asked. "Why didn't you bring my furry grandbaby with you?"

"Mom, it's a lot to travel with him for just a few days," Grayson said, entering the kitchen. "And you know how your cat feels about him."

"About the same as our cat feels about him," Cait chuckled. "But Connor is on pet sitting duty. And Shooter loves my dad's place. He'll be swimming in the pool with Connor all weekend."

"And Tyler has the run of the house," Grayson added. "Connor will go by once a day to feed him and check on him, but he loves the peace and quiet."

They caught up with Grayson's parents. Heard about his extended family.  Had dinner and just relaxed. Played a game of cards. But Cait couldn't help but wish that they'd had something a little more exciting to share.


August 27, 2021

Grayson took Cait's hand as they walked to the football field at Providence.  They usually made it back for one game a year, not that Grayson had played football here, but it was a chance to catch up with some of his friends and to see a whole lot of his community at once. 

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