Week 29 - In Case You Didn't Know

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In case you didn't know
Baby I'm crazy 'bout you
And I would be lying if said
That I could live this life without you
Even though I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know

----In Case You Didn't Know, Brett Young

Week Twenty-Nine
Your baby is as big as a head of cauliflower

February 27, 2022

"He still looks fantastic," Connor noted.  They were watching Grayson's game at Jack and Joan's house, having gone over to spend the day there. 

Cait smiled and patted the head of the dog, who had watched the game with them.  She knew that Shooter missed Grayson when he was away.  He adored Connor.  And he was a sweet dog and was continually trying to win Cait's affection.  He would usually lay on her feet whenever she sat down. 

"He always looks fantastic to me," she said wryly.  "But he's playing really well right now."

"Are you okay taking the dog back home with you?" Connor asked.  "I promised Emma that I'd come over to her house for a little while.  I'll be back at your place before it's too late."

Cait nodded.  "We'll be fine, huh, Shooter," she said. 

"Are you sure you can manage?" Jack asked her with a frown. 

"Dad, this dog isn't exactly interested in running away," she chuckled.  "He doesn't even leave the yard if the gate gets left open."

"I'll be by on Tuesday," Jack reminded her.  "Grayson asked me to help Connor move some of the furniture to make sure there's room for his chairs."

The chairs were still a little bit of a sore subject, but it wasn't her father's fault, so Cait bit her lip.  But they were being delivered on Wednesday when Grayson had a day off and Cait didn't want him scrambling around and trying to make room for them that day.  "Bring Joan and we can have dinner," Cait offered. 

"How about Joan and I bring dinner," Jack suggested.  "You should take it easy.  Have you thought about cutting back your hours at work?"

"Dad, I'm busy trying to get things ready to hand off," she sighed.  "Although I don't yet know to whom I'm handing them. Dameon can't handle everything.  And Mark hasn't told me what his plan is yet."

"Dameon can barely handle what he's already got," Jack frowned.  "I'll talk to Mark tomorrow.  I know he's been working on it.  But I'm not sure you should be working full weeks anymore."

"Is that your professional medical opinion?" Cait frowned at him. 

"Would it help if I said it was mine?" Joan asked from the doorway.  "I know you're doing really well.  But you have the added stress of going to Grayson's games at night, or staying up to watch them.  You must be getting tired, Cait.  It wouldn't hurt you to cut back a little."

Cait tried not to pout at that.  If she was honest, Joan was right.  She was tired.  She was tired a lot.  But she hated to admit any weakness.  "I'll see what I can do," she said grudgingly.

As she was driving home, she had to admit to herself that not working the forty or more hours a week that she generally worked actually sounded really great right about now.  She was already dreading getting up the next morning.  Thankfully, Connor was self-sufficient and could get himself together and out the door in the mornings. And she'd washed his school uniforms the day before.

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