Week 35 - She's My Kind Of Rain

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Together in this brief eternity
Summer days, winter snows
She's all things to behold
She's my kind of rain
Like love from a drunken sky
Confetti falling down all night
She's my kind of rain
----She's My Kind Of Rain, Tim McGraw

Week Thirty-Five
Your baby is as big as a spaghetti squash

April 10, 2022

Grayson awoke to the sound of the thunderstorm that was making it's way through.  The rumbling and crashing of lightning that had gone on most of the night was usually a welcome sound, because rainy nights often meant lots of action in his bedroom.  So did calm nights, for that matter, but there was something about a good thunderstorm that always made it that much better. 

Not right now though.  In addition to Cait being on bedrest, the doctor had also put a stop to their favorite extracurricular activity for the time being.  That had caused his wife to complain that she was stuck in bed and couldn't even have any fun. 

Cait had persuaded Dr. Jacobs to let her go to Grayson's game on Friday night and to start her bed rest on Saturday, the day before.  She'd pleaded that it would be the last game she went to until the next season and the doctor had given in.  So she'd been there, with Connor and Jack both watching over her, when he'd finally gotten a little bit of his groove back and scored 14 points. 

There were only two games left in the regular season; one he had to leave for today and then he'd be back to play on Wednesday, before the playoffs started the following Monday.  So he and Cait had spent a rainy Saturday just finishing up packing for the hospital and working on getting everything as prepared as possible, after he'd had film and meetings.  Or he had done that.  She had directed from the bed or the couch.

Grayson's parents were coming to visit this week, had moved their trip up when he'd let them know that Cait was on bed rest.  And Luke and Rae would be arriving before his first playoff game. 

It was a whole hell of a lot to take in at once.  The end of the regular season.  The fact that the Grizzlies were firmly in the playoff picture.  The impending birth of his twins.  Sometimes, it all seemed like it was strangling him.  So the sound of a thunderstorm on a spring morning wasn't a bad thing at all. 

Grayson forced himself to take deep breaths.  To close his eyes and just stay in the moment.  He focused on the feel of the bed under him, the sound of the rain hitting the windowpane, the rumble of the thunder.  The dog snoring softly from the floor.  And his wife doing the same beside him.  The babies were putting pressure on her diaphragm these days.

He had managed to calm himself when he felt a slight movement and a tickle across his face.  He opened one eye to find that he was nose to nose with the cat.  "Tyler, you're ruining my Zen," he whispered.

Tyler looked less than impressed with that and let out a soft yowl in Grayson's direction.  When Grayson closed his eyes again, the cat softly nipped the end of his nose, causing him to jump.  "Geez," he grumbled, "what's your problem?"

"Probably wants you to clean out the liter box," Cait said sleepily from beside him.  "He likes a clean liter box."

"Of course he does," Grayson grumbled.  "And people think I'm extra.  It might not be the best thing about you having those kids soon, but you taking back that chore is up there.  I'm sick of dealing with his liter box."

Cait managed a sleepy smirk now.  "You've got a few more weeks, Allen," she yawned.  "I have a feeling that my luck isn't good enough for these two to show up before that c-section.  After all, they're your children.  No way they decide to make my life easy."

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