Week 13 -The Feels

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You don't gotta light a candle
You don't have to set the mood
What you gotta understand, though
I'm already into you
It's chemistry, meant to be
Incomprehensibly tangled up in it
Yeah boy, you're giving me the
——The Feels, Maren Morris

Week Thirteen
Your baby is the size of a lemon

November 6, 2021

Cait stretched as she stood and reached for her bag.  Taking the train from New York to D.C. was convenient, but she disliked sitting that long.  At least the Acela had delivered her to Union Station in three hours.  And she'd had some reading to do for work. 

She'd done some other reading too.  Rae had spent their time in New York once again trying to calm Cait and convince her to just start doing some rational thinking about the birth process.  She'd found some things for her to read and had lectured her about not just google searching for horror stories. 

Rae had also discovered that Ann Taylor now made maternity clothes and had taken Cait to their flagship Loft New York store, where they'd found some casual clothes that Cait actually liked.  More reasons that Cait was eternally grateful for her best friend.

But Rae had left on Thursday and Cait had been busy for a couple of days.  She'd had to go tell Granny about the twins, which had caused Granny to kick shower plans into high gear.  She was insistent on setting a date for this event.  Cait had agreed to get something on the calendar soon, only after extracting a detailed promise that there would be no strippers or nudity of any kind at this shower. That had caused Caroline to frown at her and tell her that she lacked the ability to have a good time. But she'd promised.

Cait managed her bag and emerged from the train station to find her Uber Black waiting to take her to Grayson's hotel.  He'd sent her a digital key to his room, since he had a walk through and film and wasn't sure what time he'd be finished. 

Cait was anxious to see him, but she understood that he had obligations.  That was the reason that she rarely traveled with the team.  She never wanted to be a distraction. But she'd really, really missed him.  The last couple of days had seemed long.

She figured that she'd get to the hotel and maybe go for a run on the treadmill in the gym before she and Grayson got dinner together.  She'd had enough of sitting.  And she was definitely feeling better than she had been.  She hadn't even thrown up once on the train. Even though she'd eaten two bagels from Zaro's, both with copious amounts of cream cheese. And she hadn't been nearly as tired lately.

Cait would have run outside, loved downtown D.C.  But it was a grey, rainy November day in the nation's capital.  And she probably shouldn't run the risk of catching a cold.  That was something she wouldn't have worried too much about in the past, but Grayson wasn't the only one that wanted healthy babies. 

She arrived at the hotel and collected her bag, making her way into the lobby.  She was surprised to see Grayson waiting for her, pacing a bit impatiently.  He immediately grabbed her bag out of her hand.  "You shouldn't be carrying that," he said quickly.

"Well, hello to you too," Cait smirked at him, trying not to let his attitude mess with her good mood.  And she couldn't pretend that she wasn't really happy to see him.  In fact, a run and dinner suddenly weren't nearly as appealing.  She had a different priority.

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