Week 20 - Merry Christmas, Baby

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Merry, merry Christmas, baby
Sure did treat me nice
I said Merry Christmas, baby
You sure did treat me nice
Gave me diamond rings for Christmas
Now I'm livin' in paradise
——Merry Christmas, Baby, Elvis Presley

Week Twenty
Your baby is the size of a sweet potato

December 25, 2021

"Merry Christmas, babies," Grayson murmured to that bump.  "How are my boys today?"

"Moving around because they hear their daddy," Cait muttered sleepily.

"Sorry," he grinned, as he scooted back up to kiss his wife. "But I'm not gonna lie, I love that they move when they hear my voice. Do they do that with anyone else?"

"Connor, occasionally," Cait yawned. "He doesn't want anyone else to know, but he talks to them once in awhile.  Mostly to tell them that he can't wait until I have someone else to nag."

"Speaking of Connor, we probably need to get out of bed if we want to be ready for him to come over this morning," he pointed out.  "After all, you've got Christmas presents to open."

"So do you," Cait yawned again.  "Although you never want anything, which is incredibly annoying."

"First off, you paid off your debt for losing our bet last night, which, believe me, is a gift.  That's one of my very favorite things," he smirked.  "And second, you haven't let me in the basement for the last three days, so I suspect there's more going on down there than Connor's suite."

"Let's just say that I think both you and Connor will be happy with the finished product," Cait murmured, snuggling closer to him.

"And as soon as we get all these people out of the house, we can start on the nursery," Grayson smiled, dorky grin spreading over his face. "What do you think we should do in there?"

"I assumed you'd want a basketball theme," Cait said, opening her eyes.

Grayson considered that for a minute. "I don't think so," he said. "These two," he patted that bump, "are their own people. They don't have to play basketball. I just hope they find something that they love the way I love basketball."

That made Cait's lips part in surprise, but they quickly curved into a smile.  "And that is why you're going to be such an incredible father," she told him.  "You really are.  That's an amazing attitude."

Grayson actually blushed a little, which was cute.  "I'm thinking monkeys," he said with a smile.  "Because I have a feeling that they're definitely gonna be monkeys.  Or maybe puppies.  I love puppies. That would be cool."

"I'll see what I can find," she kept smiling at him.  "At least we have furniture ordered."  Rae and Cait had taken care of that before Rae had gone back to Detroit.  As always, Rae had been a huge help.

"Speaking of puppies," Grayson grinned, reaching over the bed to scratch Shooter, who was laying beside his side of the bed, "this guy has presents too. Better get busy, Mom."

Cait groaned and stretched. "Morning people ruin Christmas," she grumbled. But she got out of bed.


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