Week 36 - Our Kind Of Love

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You get me laughing with those funny faces
You somehow always know just what to say
That's right, oh that's right
What we got is
Just like driving on an open highway
Never knowing what we're gonna find
——Our Kind Of Love, Lady Antebellum

Week Thirty-Six
Your baby is the size of a bunch of kale

April 18, 2022

Other than Easter Sunday, Grayson had been consumed with basketball.  The playoffs were here.  And their first round opponent featured a familiar cast of characters.  The Bayou Blue Devils, also known as the New Orleans Pelicans. 

Containing Zion was a tall task and would require team defense. Coach Jenkins and the staff were adding new wrinkles all the time.  Everyone was focused.  And that had to include Grayson.

Everything was as ready as it could possibly be for the babies anyhow. He'd assembled that double bassinet that now occupied part of his bedroom the day before. It had taken a little bit of help from his father, but it was done. And his mother had happily put sheets on it and had practically danced around the house, stocking changing tables with diapers and wipes and all kinds of shit that Grayson realized he was about to get very familiar with.

The bag was packed and was in the car. There were toys and clothes and diapers and blankets and every damn thing he could imagine they'd need, all conveniently located in various parts of his home. He'd even put together his binder of information in case Cait went into labor and he wasn't there, even though she'd laughed at him and told him that there was no way these kids were showing up before the scheduled c-section. The babies readiness assessment indicator was firmly on green.

That wasn't enough to keep Grayson from feeling as though he was speeding down an unknown highway in an out of control vehicle loaded down with explosives.  He just felt like he had no idea what was coming next.

But the babies arrival scale was firmly lodged at DEFCON Three, much to his wife's dismay. No contractions, not even the fake kind that the doctor had warned them about. Nothing else was happening. No matter how many times he asked. Which was a lot.

Luke and Rae were arriving this evening, which meant that Will and Sherry were leaving for Jacksonville today, so that they could come back as soon as the babies were forthcoming.  But before Grayson could put his parents on their flight, he had to make about seventy different promises to his mother.

"You'll call the minute she goes into labor, right?" Sherry asked as Grayson was taking them to the airport. 

"The answer is still yes, Mom," Grayson sighed.  "No matter how many times or how many ways you ask."

"Don't be a smart ass," she frowned at him.

"Sher, he spends plenty of time being a dumbass," Will chuckled.  "Smart ass is a nice change of pace, don't you think?"

"This isn't a joke, William," Sherry snapped.  "I don't want to miss out on any more time with our grandchildren than is absolutely necessary.  So he needs to call us, day or night."

"Mom, I will call you," Grayson said, making a face.  "Or Cait or Connor or Luke or Rae will.  You will not be in the dark, I promise.  But there's been no sign that the arrival is imminent.  Everything points to May 5th."

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