Week 5 -No Such Thing As A Broken Heart

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Cry when it hurts, laugh when it's funny
Chase after the dream, don't chase after the money
And know we got each other, that's what's up
'Cause you can't keep the ground from shaking, no matter how hard you try
You can't keep the sunsets from fading, you gotta treat your love like
You're jumping off a rope swing maybe cause the whole thing is really just a shot in the dark
You've gotta love like there's no such thing as a broken heart

----No Such Thing As A Broken Heart, Old Dominion

Week Five
Your baby is the size of an orange seed.

September 15, 2021

Cait was sitting at her desk, trying to concentrate on the spreadsheet on her computer. She shifted in her chair, frowning because the skirt she was wearing had seemed a little snug that morning. And because her bra seemed a little tight. She clearly hadn't been getting enough exercise.

She was studying the column of figures, when she suddenly felt nauseated. A frown crossed her features and she sat back from the screen.

She sat there for a minute, just hoping her stomach would settle. But she really didn't feel well. At all.

She thought about what she'd had to eat lately, but the thought of food brought another wave of nausea. She glanced toward her trash can, wondering briefly if she was about to throw up.

The question was answered a few minutes later, when that trash can came in extremely handy. She kept throwing up until she couldn't any longer. And Wendy heard her.

"Cait, oh my God," she said quickly. She grabbed a water and set it on the desk, staying as far away as possible. She even covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay, Wendy?" Cait groaned. "This is the last time I let Grayson talk me into Mexican food from Los Comales just because I don't feel like cooking dinner."

"What should I do?" Wendy asked quickly. 

This was when Cait really missed Margaret.  Margaret would have known what to do.  She wouldn't have stood there staring at her.

"Just give me a min-" But before she could say anything else, Cait was heaving again.  There was nothing left in her stomach to throw up, but that didn't stop her body from trying. 

Wendy backed out of the office.  "If you need anything, buzz me," she said quickly.

Cait wanted to roll her eyes, but she was afraid she'd make herself throw up again. She sat there and eventually sipped some water, wondering what could be wrong with her. And realized that she was a complete idiot.

Her hand started to shake a little. Could that really be the problem? Could she actually be . . . pregnant?

She still had a test at home. But she had to get there. She didn't want to call Grayson. Not only was he at OTAs, she didn't want him to get excited if it turned out this was just the result of some bad tacos the night before.

The thought of those tacos made her want to throw up again. She tried to swallow it down, closed her eyes and sat at her desk, taking deep breaths.

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