Week 12 - Drive

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Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear
Take the wheel and steer
It's driven me before
And it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
But lately I'm beginning to find
That I should be the one behind the wheel
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there
With open arms and open eyes
——Drive, Incubus

Week Twelve
Your baby is as big as a lime

October 31, 2021

Cait watched Grayson packing.  She should have been doing the same thing.  But she told herself that she had time.  She wasn't flying to New York until the next morning.  Grayson had to leave soon for his road trip. 

"At least I only have a couple of long trips this year," he offered quietly.

Cait nodded.  But she seemed distracted. 

"I'll see you in D.C. on Saturday, right?" He tried again to get her attention.  "Then we can fly back here together after the game on Sunday. And we'll need to get our list of questions for the doctor together."

She nodded again.  Cait didn't travel with the team very often at all, but it had seemed to make sense.  And Grayson was feeling protective of her.  He knew it was stupid and chauvinistic, but he still felt it. 

"Will you be okay alone here tonight?" he asked.

"Connor's going to come over and stay," she sighed.  "He wants to help me hand out candy.  He has the day off from school tomorrow, since it's a church feast day, so he's going to stay here and Dad will pick him up when he comes over to check on the construction."  Grayson apparently wasn't the only one that could be overprotective and chauvinistic.  Connor was following right in his footsteps. 

"Are you okay?" Grayson asked.  "Still tired?"

"That's getting better," Cait told him.  "I'm a little lightheaded sometimes, but Joan said that's normal."

Grayson frowned at that and reached for one of his books.  He had a bookmark in place.  "Let's see what the book says," he mused.  "Did you know that our babies are the size of limes?  That seems big.  They were strawberries last week."

"Grayson, I'm fine," Cait huffed.  "You don't need to consult the book for every damn thing."

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked quizzically.  "I even downloaded the electronic version so I can keep it on my phone.  Set aside my aversion to digital books, just for this."

Cait rolled her eyes at that.  "Not everything is in the book, Grayson."

"Well, I know virtually nothing," he shrugged.  "So the book is the best source I've got, unless I'm going to just call Joan forty-seven times a day.  Figured that might get annoying."

"Like the book isn't annoying?" Cait muttered under her breath.

"Okay, so you're hormonal today, Grayson said cheerfully. "Since I know that, I won't get into an argument with you. Because you probably aren't capable of being very rational right now." He threw in a knowing nod. "Learned that from one of my books."

"You're being a dumbass," Cait snapped.  "Your books are what's making me grouchy.  Not hormones."

"That's just silly," Grayson frowned at her.  "I don't understand why you're so threatened by me educating myself about this process.  They're my children too."

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