Still Week 38 - Nobody But You

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Wanna say it now, wanna make it clear
For only you and God to hear
I don't wanna live without you
I don't wanna even breathe
I don't wanna dream about you
Wanna wake up with you next to me
I don't wanna go down any other road now
I don't wanna love nobody but you
——Nobody But You, Blake Shelton (ft. Gwen Stefani)

"Get him out of here."

The doctor's voice didn't permeate the sound of blood rushing in Grayson's ears.  Or the sound of his own voice gasping out his wife's name. 

"I said, get him out."  Hannah Jacobs didn't yell.  But her voice rivaled that of any drill sergeant.

Grayson felt hands on his arms.  "Cait?" He gasped her name again.  "What, what's happening?"

He was too stunned to resist and instead let himself be pulled from the room in shock.  "No," he tried to protest.  "No, wait.  That's my wife.  I need-"

"Grayson."  Julie got right in his face.  There were tears brimming in his eyes. 

"No, I have to go," he started toward the door, but Julie got in his face again, blocking his path.

"You can't.  You need to stay here," she said firmly.  "The doctor is working."

"No!" He yelled it this time and it caught the attention of Marshall Plumlee, on his way back from the men's room.

"G?" Marsh appeared and Julie sensed help.

"Grayson, you need to stay here.  Stay with your friend and I'll go find out what's going on, okay?"  She looked him in the eyes and then turned to Marsh.

Marsh nodded and Julie turned to go back in the room.  But Grayson tried to bolt after her.  "No dice, hero," Marsh said quickly, wrapping his arms around Grayson.  "You stay here."

"No," Grayson sniffled.  "Marsh, my family is in that room.  And there was blood.  So much blood."

He was shaking and Marsh looked down the hallway and caught Zion's eye.  "Send Luke down here," he called out. 

Luke appeared, quizzical look on his face.  "Something's wrong, man," Marsh said softly.  "He needs to stay here."

Luke tried not to panic.  "G, look at me," he said quickly.  "C'mon, G."  He hugged him.  "What happened?" Luke asked.

"They're here," Grayson sobbed.  "And they look perfect.  But Cait."  He was crying too hard to make much sense.  "Blood, Luke.  And the monitor went nuts."

Luke felt sick to his own stomach, his knees shaking.  "Okay," he whispered into Grayson's hair.  "It's okay.  Take some deep breaths."

"Not. Okay," Grayson cried. 

The door opened again and Julie emerged.  But Grayson made one more stab at getting back in.  Luke slowed him down just enough for Marsh to grab him and the two of them held onto him. 

At that moment, Jack Callahan arrived on the scene, having insisted that his wife drop him off and go park.  He came through the doors to the maternity ward and caught sight of his son-in-law down a hallway, being restrained by two of his friends.  And his heart sank. 

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