Week 30 - Perfect Storm

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She's so complicated
That's the way God made her
Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane
And she destroys me in that t-shirt
And I love her so much that it hurts
I never meant to fall like this
She don't just rain, she pours
That girl right there's the perfect storm
——Perfect Storm, Brad Paisley

Week Thirty
Your baby is as big as a bunch of broccoli

March 5, 2022

"Sweetheart, you should skip the newborn clothes and buy some bigger sizes," Sherry suggested gently. "They'll outgrow those little things in no time. And you got lots of that stuff at your baby shower."

Cait blinked and set down the tiny outfit in her hand. "I guess you're right," she said ruefully. "I just worry about them being born early or something. And being small."

"From everything you two and Joan have told me, small hasn't been an issue so far," Sherry smiled, her gaze dropping to that expanding baby bump. "If they're born early and we need premie clothes, I'll run out and get some then. But I have a feeling that my two grandsons won't be small for long, no matter what."

Cait nodded and Sherry pulled out the same outfit in a bigger size. "They'll definitely be this size at some point, honey," she suggested. "Let's get the bigger version?"

Cait managed a wry smile and another nod.  And let Sherry take her through the process of knocking some things off the list, thereby making progress on Grayson's baby preparedness scale while he was at film and practice.

They were loaded down with bottles, burp cloths, onesies, side snapping undershirts and clothes when they arrived at home to find Grayson and his father watching college basketball. "Duke plays Carolina tonight," Grayson smiled at Cait. "How about we put this stuff away and then you can relax for a little while?"

"You mean, I've met my daily allotment of tasks on the baby readiness assessment system?" she asked.

"I'm in such a good mood that I'm gonna ignore that little bit of sass," he smirked at her.  "In addition to that, I really don't want to move to DEFCON Four on the babies arrival scale.  So I want you to get off your feet and rest."

Grayson was in a good mood because he'd scored 21 the night before. And the Grizzlies had won again. He was glad that his parents were there. And that he was home for most of the week.

"Listen to him," Sherry called over her shoulder as she was walking toward the nursery.  "And you know I don't say that often.  In fact, come sit in this ridiculous chair while Grayson and I put these things away.  You can just direct traffic."

"Told you the chair was ridiculous," Cait smirked at Grayson over her shoulder. 

"Someone is really impudent today," he smirked right back, grabbing her and pulling her back against his chest.  "Lucky for you that Bad Grayson is on hiatus," he growled in her ear.


"I think that officially gets us to yellow," Grayson nodded, checking some items in one of his binders. "Thanks for the assist, Mom."

Sherry rolled her eyes at him and glanced toward Cait, who had fallen asleep in the chair.  "She seems really tired," she said pointedly to her son.  "It's totally understandable.  But you've got to stop her from overdoing it."

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