Week 21 - I'll Name the Dogs

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You be the pretty and I'll be the funny
You plant the flowers, I'll plant the kisses
Baby, let's get right down to business
I'll hang the pictures, you hang the stars
You pick the paint, I'll pick a guitar
Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the frogs
You name the babies, I'll name the dogs

——I'll Name the Dogs, Blake Shelton

Week Twenty-One
Your baby is as big as a large banana

January 1, 2022

By the time they'd arrived home from Detroit, New Year's Eve had consisted of a quiet night in front of the fireplace. They'd ordered in and just relaxed.

Grayson was missing his dog, since Shooter was in Colorado and wouldn't be back for a couple more days.  But snuggling up with his wife was just as good. Actually, it was better. A whole heap better.

Grayson had the day off and they decided to spend it the same way, curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace. They did baby shopping from the comfort of their family room.

"I love that one," Grayson insisted, as they were perusing crib sets and nursery decor. He was pointing at a picture on Cait's iPad of a rustic, quilted set that featured puppies with all different sports balls. Even the crib mobile had puppies holding a soccer ball, a football, a basketball and a baseball. "It's adorable," he insisted. "Covers all different sports, not just basketball. And not too frou frou."

"Are you sure?" Cait asked, biting her lip. She'd lobbied for a modern, minimalist look, which Grayson had deemed boring.

"They won't be little forever," he pointed out. "They should have cute stuff before they're too big for it."

"Okay, you win," she conceded. "But that means you let me hire someone to paint the room."

"I still think we could do it," Grayson grumbled.

"Gray, we're going to have plenty of other things to do," she pointed out.  "And this needs to be done in a hurry, before the furniture is delivered.  We don't want to be trying to paint around that.  You have to leave again this week and so do I."

Grayson grumbled again at that.  He had a trip to Denver, Utah and Portland.  And Cait was going to New York and then to Vancouver to work World Cup events at Banff.

Once that trip was over, he'd be home for two weeks.  Luke and Rae would be here in the middle of one of those weeks, because the Pistons were coming to town. 

Grayson was looking forward to the long stretch at home, to sleeping in his own bed.  And to having a little extra time to get things ready for his twins.

"Okay," he finally threw Cait a bone.  "You can hire someone to paint Rick and Morty's room."

"Ew, seriously, no," Cait frowned at him.

"Buzz and Woody?" he tried.

"Rejected," Cait said, the frown deepening. "You really aren't that funny."

"At least I'm pretty," he grinned.

Cait wanted to roll her eyes at him, but she couldn't. "You are pretty," she said, reaching up for a kiss. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to let you name the babies Buzz and Woody."

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