Week 27 - Tip Of My Tongue

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I love the dimples in the small of your back
The way they're speakin' to me just like that
Red wine made my imagination run
Oh, I can taste it on the tip of my tongue
Let it run, let it roll
Baby, I am under your control
Love me fast, kiss me slow
Hang on to anything you can hold
It's a long way down
To where I wanna go
It's a long way down
To the center of your soul
It's a long way down
And I'm a loaded gun
But I love your salt and sugar on the tip of my tongue

----Tip Of My Tongue, Kenny Chesney

Week Twenty-Seven
Your baby is the size of a cabbage

February 12, 2022

Grayson was watching his wife, as she smoothed some kind of peach scented lotion into her skin. That baby bump was a whole lot more than a bump these days and he watched Cait's hands move over it, heard her talking to his sons.

"You guys have some seriously sharp elbows or something," she was murmuring. "And you seem to roll around a lot in there. I hope you aren't fighting already."

Cait was only wearing underclothes and Grayson just stood back and enjoyed the view. Her back was to him and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. The line of her spine and the tilt of her head as she almost mournfully ran her hands over her expanding abdomen, her engagement ring occasionally catching the light.

They'd spent an amazing couple of days in Bermuda so far. They'd walked on the beach, relaxed on the sand and just talked to each other. And they'd spent time in bed. And in the huge shower.

They'd just gotten out of that shower, both needing to wash off some sand and sunscreen, and Cait was in the process of putting on some clothes for dinner. They were having a quiet evening. Neither of them had any interest in going out, preferring their little bubble of privacy. And the house had a private chef.

Grayson had been surprised the day before when the butler had cautiously approached and mentioned that the chef would like to meet Cait. That he'd watched her television appearances and was thrilled to cook for her. Grayson had always known that his wife was as incredible in the kitchen as she was everywhere else. But it was weird to have total strangers recognize that about her too.

"You guys are making me hungry again," she smiled down at that bump. "I hope that means you're growing. But not too big, okay? We've still got to get you here. Then you can grow all you want."

Grayson approached now, reached his own hand to splay across Cait's abdomen. "Listen to your mom, boys," he said, speaking to the bump. "She's really smart."

Cait smiled up at him and just enjoyed the feeling of his hand on her bare skin. Until the sound of his voice caused one of the twins to let loose with a kick. She gasped a little and she and Grayson both smiled. "Talking back already." he smirked, shaking his head. "At least one of them obviously takes after you."

She tried to glare at him, but really couldn't. Instead she laughed. "I think they're protesting the fact that I haven't had dinner yet."

"Well, let's resolve that," Grayson smiled at her. "And then I'll try to talk them into taking a nap so that I can have Mommy's attention for awhile."


"Grayson, it's fine," she smiled at him. "You should go ahead and have a glass of wine if you want. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" he asked. He felt guilty drinking it in front of her and he knew that she wouldn't have any, even though the doctor had told her one glass a week would be fine.

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