Week 32 - The Good Ones

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He's a phone call to his parents
He's a Bible by the bed
He's the t-shirt that I'm wearin'
He's the song stuck in my head
——The Good Ones, Gabby Barrett

Week Thirty Two
Your baby is as big as a cantaloupe

March 19, 2022

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Grayson asked.  "I don't really need to travel.  I could stay with you instead.  No one would care."

"You should go," Cait replied.  "You guys are going to make the playoffs, but seeding matters too.  And you should be there.  These are important games."

Grayson seemed torn, standing there in their bedroom with his suitcase open and half packed.  "The games aren't more important that you," he frowned. 

"I'm not going anywhere, Gray," she reminded him.  "I'll be here when you get back."

His frown deepened at that.  "Except that you insist on going on this stupid trip to Texas on Thursday."

Cait sighed at that.  Connor wanted to see his mother before Cait was recovering from having twins and he'd asked Cait about going.  And she'd asked her doctor the week before. 

Dr. Jacobs had agreed that the one day trip on a private plane would be okay, provided that it was accomplished within the next week or two.  After that, Cait was grounded.

It had been decided that Connor could miss one day of school for this and Cait could take him to Texas. But Jack was insistent that Joan was going with them, even if she stayed at the airport while Cait and Connor made their visit.

None of that was enough to give Grayson sufficient peace of mind.  He didn't like the idea of his seven months pregnant with twins wife traveling to a federal prison.  At all.

He knew that Cait would do anything for Connor.  And he knew that she didn't believe there was any risk involved, because he also knew that she'd never risk their children.  The doctor had given her blessing.  But he was nervous.

At least he'd be back in Memphis. They had a game in Houston on Wednesday and then he'd be home.  And Cait would be back on Thursday evening at the latest.  It was only a 90 minute flight. 

He finished his packing and went to have a conversation with his brother-in-law, who was staying here while he was gone. 


"Em and I will get pizza," Connor told his sister later that afternoon.  "You stay here and rest.  I'll go pick her up and get the food and be back."

"Could you get garlic knots too?" Cait asked.  "Take some money out of my purse.  And ice cream.  I really want ice cream.  Could you stop at Area 51?"

Connor did his best not to smirk at her.  "What flavor?" he asked. 

"Watermelon," Cait answered quickly.  "And maybe some of their dark chocolate."

Connor nodded and grabbed his wallet, phone and keys.  "You can pay me later," he told her.  "Dad always makes sure I have WAM."

Cait laughed, because she remembered the term her father always used for their spending money.  It stood for "walking around money."

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