Week 31 - Keeping Score

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Be with me now
Be with me right now
Be with me right here, right now
I know I'm only human
Don't know how many sunsets I got left
And I don't want to ruin
This moment by wondering what comes next
I just want to love you
Like it's all I'm living for
Hold you close, enjoy you more
Spend a little less time keeping score
——Keeping Score, Dan+Shay ft. Kelly Clarkson

Week Thirty One
Your baby is the size of a coconut

March 12, 2022

"I can't believe this," Grayson grumbled as he and Cait made their way into the hospital.  "I should be in Milwaukee, worrying about how cold it's gonna be when I get to Minneapolis. Not here."

"Grayson, let's be grateful that it wasn't worse," Cait frowned at him.  "You scared me to death.  I'm still not recovered."

Cait had watched in horror thirty-six hours before as Grayson had appeared to her to land directly on his head.  In reality, he'd landed on his left shoulder and sustained a Grade II separation.  But he'd laid dazed on the floor just beyond the end line, causing his wife to almost scream out loud. 

They'd eventually gotten him up and taken him straight back to the locker room.  Cait's phone had been blowing up with texts from Sherry, Connor, Luke and a few other people.  But she'd initially had no information to offer. 

She hadn't felt much better when a security guard appeared to escort her from her seat to the training room.  She'd waddled along behind him, hoping that she looked more calm than she felt. 

But she'd been able to hear Grayson before she saw him.  He was clearly unhappy that they were telling him that he wasn't going back into the game.  Or traveling with the team to Milwaukee.

Instead, he'd stayed in Memphis and had an MRI the day before.  And been told that he was exceedingly fortunate that it hadn't been worse. 

But he wouldn't be playing basketball for at least two or three weeks.  He wasn't happy about that.  At all.

Cait knew that he wasn't going to be terribly pleasant, but even so, she wasn't about to complain about having Grayson at home.  And she'd jumped into action and managed to get them into the two day childbirth class this weekend, hoping to give him something else to focus on. 

Grayson's left arm was in a sling, which did nothing to improve his mood.  He'd been told to take a few days to mostly do nothing except ice and rest.  And not to sleep on his left side. 

He'd actually slept in one of his chairs the last two nights, finding it more comfortable than laying flat. And he'd watched the Grizzlies lose in Milwaukee on television, which hadn't improved his mood one bit.

"You do realize that we could miss the playoffs if we go on a losing streak, right?" he muttered.

"I also realize that you aren't the only guy on the roster who can score the basketball," she frowned at him. "Grayson, look at this time as a gift. I know you'd rather be playing basketball, but this gives us a chance to get some things done. To move to blue on the babies readiness scale," she suggested, trying to improve his mood.

Even in his annoyed and grouchy state, he heard the little bit of hurt in Cait's voice that he was having a tantrum over being at home. So he took a deep breath. "You're right," he sighed. "And hey, we're taking the accelerated childbirth class, so we get the whole thing done this weekend. That will put us ahead of schedule for a change." He managed a wry smile at her.

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