Week 15 - Blessings

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Who knows where I'd be without you?
No, I just couldn't be without you
I'll just say "amen"
I can't count them on one hand
But honey look there on your finger
I'd say I'm a lucky man
God made two lovers out of strangers
——Blessings, Florida Georgia Line

Week Fifteen
Your baby is as big as a pear

November 20, 2021

"Cait, go to the soccer game," Grayson told her. "If you make it back for my game tonight, fine. If not, no big deal. But go. Connor isn't going to play in the state semi-finals too many times."

Cait sighed. The schedule for Connor's soccer game in Nashville hadn't been announced until two days before. But he was playing at one o'clock in Nashville. A three hour drive from Memphis. Theoretically, that meant that she could go to his game and still be back in Memphis by seven for Grayson's game.

Never mind that she had things to do for Thanksgiving. She really wanted to go to both games.

Cait chewed her thumbnail. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Unless you think it's too much for you," Grayson told her. "If that's the case, go to Connor's game and I'll see you when I get home tonight.  But you need to get going."

Cait nodded.  "Okay," she said.  "I'm going."


Grayson kissed Cait and the baby bump and made sure that Cait had warm enough clothes and that her car was full of gas.  He was glad it was a day game.  The weather was supposed to be in the upper 50s, so hopefully Cait wouldn't get a chill.

He went to his shoot around and returned home to spend some quality time with Shooter, throwing his ball in the yard. He was trying to explain to the dog that by this time next year, there would be a couple of babies tearing around the house on their hands and knees. He wasn't sure that the lab was getting it, but he seemed happy just to hang out with Grayson.

Grayson was just about to fire up some video games when the doorbell sounded.  He was sincerely hoping that it wasn't Tammy Anderson with some wacky neighborhood holiday party or the annual cookie exchange or something.

Instead, it was Christie Carmichael. "Just returning your eggs," said cheerfully. "And Cait wasn't at yoga this morning. I was just checking on her."

"Her brother has a soccer game in Nashville," Grayson explained, letting her in and walking to the refrigerator to put the eggs away. "She drove out there to see it. State-semi final."

"I didn't realize she had family in the area," Christie said casually.

"Yeah, her dad and step mom, as well as her fifteen year old brother," Grayson replied. "Connor is very close to Cait. He spends a lot of time here."

"It's very sweet of you to put up with that," she offered. "It can't be easy to deal with a teenager."

"He's a great kid," Grayson frowned at her. "I enjoy having him around."

"Of course you do," she smiled at him. "You're such a nice guy. And so understanding of your wife. You don't have a brother, do you?"

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