Week 26 - Ocean

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How can someone stand so damn close
And feel like they're a world away?
I can see your sad story eyes
So how do you have no words to say?
All I want is to fall in deeper than I've ever been
Why won't you let me?
I can handle your heart, so help me
Here you are, next to me
So much beauty at my feet
All I wanna do is swim, but the waves keep crashin' in
No, I'm not afraid to drown
Take me out, take me down
I'm so tired of the shore
Let me in, baby
You're an ocean, beautiful and blue
I wanna swim in you

----Ocean, Lady Antebellum

Week Twenty- Six
Your baby is as big as an acorn squash

February 6, 2022

Cait's eyes were wide as she regarded the ocean of wrapped baby gifts covering tables and spilling onto the floor.   The Palm Court had soft instrumental versions of pop songs with the word "baby" in the title playing.  And guests were circulating and enjoying mimosas and light fare. 

Cait was wearing a Pietro Brunelli maternity dress in a light gray with a white collar and cuffs and black accents and a pair of black Christian Louboutin heels that were already killing her.  But she figured that at least the heels made her look less dumpy.

"This is pretty amazing," Rae smiled at her best friend.  "Jackie did a fantastic job of keeping it tasteful."

"I wonder what the big screen television is for," Cait murmured. 

The shower unfolded mostly uneventfully, even if Caroline did tell Cait again that she lacked the ability to have fun. "I fail to see what would have been so bad about Pictionary," she frowned at her granddaughter.

"Granny, one of the clues was sperm," Cait hissed.  "I don't think The Plaza wants you and your friends yelling that out across The Palm Court."

"It's not like you aren't familiar with the concept," Caroline returned, gesturing to Cait's baby belly.  "Clearly you've been on the receiving end."

Cait's jaw dropped.  Just when she thought her grandmother couldn't get any more outrageous, she proved that she could.  But before Cait could recover, Granny's bridge club friends had found her and they were all giggling.  And touching Cait's baby bump.

"Grayson certainly seems to have done an adequate job," Mildred Worthington nodded approvingly. 

"He sure did," Bitsy Throckmorton nodded along, patting that bump.  "If you don't mind me asking, what position did you find worked best?  My granddaughter isn't pregnant yet and I'd like to give her some advice."

"I most certainly do mind," Cait frowned at her.

"Your grandmother warned us that you had a stick up your ass," Bernice Wheeler told Cait, looking a bit like an owl behind her thick glasses. 

That caused Cait's eyes to narrow considerably. Rae saw it from a few feet away and wedged her way between the octogenarians. "Excuse me, ladies. But Cait, you really should come see what Sherry brought," she said quickly.

Cait allowed herself to be pulled away, managing a low "if you'll excuse me, please," to the bridge club. Rae tugged her over to a table where there was a collage of baby pictures. "Deep breaths," she murmured softly. "They're a bunch of harmless old women."

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