Week 34 - Just The Way You Are

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I said I love you
And that's forever
This I promise from the heart
I could not love you
Any better
I love you just the way you are
——Just The Way You Are, Billy Joel

Week Thirty Four
Your baby is the size of a pineapple

April 2, 2022

"So let's review the list," Grayson said, sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Grayson, that list is huge," Cait frowned at him.  "I'm not sure all that would fit in my biggest suitcase."

"We'll have to figure it out," he huffed.  "Let's get everything together and then we can decide what bag to put it in.  But we've got a couple of hours before I have to leave for the game and we should make use of them. Where do you want to start?"

"Let's get together the baby stuff," Cait sighed. "That's the easier part."

Grayson reviewed the list again. "When I get home from my road trip, I'll install the car seats. Please just don't go into labor before then, okay?"

"No promises," Cait grumbled.  "If it were up to me, we'd get this over with."

"Nail polish!" Grayson suddenly gasped out.  "We need to take nail polish.  That isn't on the list.  I need a pen.  Do you you have any colors that aren't too girly?"

"Define 'too girly'," she frowned at him. 

"Just show me what you've got and I'll pick two colors," he said with a nod.  "Let's get started."


By the time Grayson left for the Grizzlies game, Cait was ready for a nap. He was absolutely determined to be totally prepared and had forced her to pack diapers, undershirts and outfits for the babies, including booties and blankets that Cait wasn't so sure they'd need. It was getting plenty warm in Memphis and she doubted that socks and swaddling were going to be totally necessary. But what the hell did she know? Maybe Grayson was right.

That made her think. She had never taken care of a baby before, let alone two. Did she have any clue what she was doing here? The answer was none. Whatsoever.

A few minutes of abject panic followed that thought. And then she ran her hands over that baby bump, felt the slight movements of her children. And realized that she'd better figure some things out.

She hefted herself up off the couch and went to get her iPad. She needed to do something to feel like she had educated herself.


Grayson arrived home to find his wife asleep on the couch, iPad in front of her. But she was passed out cold.

He was tempted to leave her there, but her back would be a mess if she spent all night on the couch.

"Kitten," he whispered, bending down to press a kiss to her head.  "Let's go to bed, huh?"

"Mhmm, wha-?" she mumbled.  "Did I fall asleep?"

"Looks that way," he said with a little smirk. 

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