Week 16 - Work In Progress

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I go my own way
Try to walk a straight line
Still trouble finds me time after time
I flirt with disaster
And I court distress
I'm a work in progress
——Work in Progress, Allie Colleen

Week Sixteen
Your baby is the size of an avocado

November 29, 2021

Going back to work after the holiday was always a little disappointing.  And it had been a busy five days, so Cait hadn't necessarily gotten much rest.  Grayson had had a game on Friday night.  Then on Saturday night, they'd gone to Connor's state championship game.  To everyone's surprise, Russell Payne, the head coach of the Army Men's Soccer team had appeared to watch the game. 

Connor hadn't realized it until after they'd won the state championship. Coach Payne had had a quick conversation with him, telling him that he respected Connor playing in this game and that he was hoping they could talk soon.  But that he should celebrate with his teammates.

Connor was still floating around on cloud nine. But Grayson was leaving today to go on the road and Cait was determined to try to get some of her routine back.

She'd managed yoga on Saturday morning.  But she'd been tired after attending Grayson's game the night before, which had followed some baby shopping with Sherry.  And he'd had another game the previous afternoon, after which she'd gotten his parents and Tonan to the airport for their flight back to Florida. 

Today, she had a doctor appointment, her first one with Dr. Jacobs.  But Grayson wouldn't be there for it.  He was leaving today and wouldn't be home until Friday morning, having games at Golden State and Sacramento. But she'd put the appointment off for a few days because of the holiday, and she needed to go.

Cait was starting to get antsy about getting things organized for the twins, but she was being held up by the work on the basement. She was suddenly anxious to get it done and get Connor moved down there, so that they could start working on a nursery.

Right now, she reminded herself, she still had a job to concentrate on. But that led her to think about whether she was going to keep that job after the babies were born. She hadn't even raised that subject with Grayson yet and she had no clue what she even wanted to do.

She forced herself to set that aside and get to work.


Grayson finished his packing with a sigh. He was grateful that it was a pretty short trip and that he'd be home on Friday. He didn't mind the travel, was accustomed to it now. But he still hated missing the doctor appointment.

He supposed he should also be grateful that Cait had family nearby. It would be a lot harder to leave her at this point if he didn't think there was someone close by to keep an eye on her. But today was her first appointment with Dr. Jacobs and he wished he could be there for it.

He took his bag out to his car and glanced at the time on his phone. He still had an hour or so before he needed to leave, so he grabbed Shooter's leash. He whistled for the dog and snapped his leash on, setting out on his walk.

He wasn't far down the street when he heard someone behind him. He spun around to see Christie Carmichael, apparently out for a run.

"Hey," she smiled and slowed to a walk. "Getting some exercise?"

"Getting the dog some exercise," Grayson told her. "I'm leaving today and I wanted to make sure he got out a little. He'll be going to his puppy daycare while I'm away, so he'll get plenty of exercise there too."

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