Chapter 8 (Trapped)

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"Can't you let us out?" Hissed Frostpelt from the other side of the prison. "No." Growled the spirit. "Can you at least tell us where we are?" Begged Snowpetal. The spirit looked around. "I suppose." He sighed. "My name is Red Claw, from the ancient tribe. We live in the fourth realm, our duty is to take cats to their graves." "But we're not dead yet!" Snapped Seedspring. Dandilionpaw looked at her paws. "Why?" She whispered. "We want to be reborn, that is when we take other cats souls." Red Claw explained. "To be honest, I really don't understand why we have to kill you." "Red Claw!" Hissed a voice. "Violet Talon?" Whispered Red Claw. Violet Talon stood a tail length away. "What are you doing with the prisoners?" She asked.

"You know Black Heart will be mad." She added. "Blue Thorn isn't on guard right?" He asked. "No. He's waking up Purple Tail." She answered. "Good. Can you help me get these cats free?" Red Claw asked. "Free?" She echoed. "What will Black Heart do to us if we do?" Red Claw challenged. "Okay." She sighed. Violet Talon's eyes flashed purple and glowed. "What is happening?" Gasped Snowpetal as she pressed close to Frostpelt. "I have no idea." Frostpelt admitted. "Here, we have powers." Said Red Claw. "I don't know your land or your beliefs, but I do know what will happen if me and Red Claw don't do this." Mewed Violet Talon. "Violet Talon!" Called Blue Thorn. "Black Heart wants to see you." Violet Talon's eyes were filled with fear. "Stay here!" Hissed Red Claw. He turned and followed Violet Talon. Blue Thorn blocked him. "He wants to see Violet Talon." He repeated. Purple Tail yawned and took her place as guard in place of Violet Talon. "Purple Tail, can I have time to question the prisoners?" Asked Red Claw. Purple Tail hesitated and sighed. "We aren't supposed to question the prisoners." Purple Tail reminded Red Claw. ".. But I guess." She whipped around and padded away. Red Claw twisted the lock. "Do you think they knew we were gone?" Murmured Snowpetal. "They might. We put a spell on them but it only lasts for about a day." Responded Red Claw as he bit down on the lock hard. Suddenly it snapped and all four cats burst free. "Lets go!" Hissed Seedspring, but Red Claw stopped him. "You each have tracking collars on, as long as they are still on you, our tribe can find you." Mewed Red Claw. "Quick hide!" He gasped as he pushed them under a big bush. Yellow Stripe ran up to Red Claw. "Where are the prisoners?" He demanded. "I don't know! They got away before I came back!" Lied Red Claw. "Violet Talon's having your kits!" Yellow Stripe mewed. "Mine?" Stuttered Red Claw. "You two are mates. "Wild forest cats could be lurking in the shadows and could harm your kits!" Warned Yellow Stripe. "I won't let anything happen to my sister's kits!" Hissed a voice. "Pink Shade." Yellow Stripe greeted her. Gray Storm and Purple Tail stared at Red Claw. "Where are the prisoners?" Spat Gray Storm. A shadow moved, Violet Talon was looking quite pleased and settled down beside Red Claw. "Did you hear?" She murmured. "Yes." Purred Red Claw. "Go!" He whispered to Frostpelt and Snowpetal.

Suddenly, Amberwillow and Shadestripe dashed towards them with Mapledawn at their heels. "Let go of our friends!" Snapped Mapledawn. "The already are gone." Said Red Claw. Amberwillow looked suspiciously at them but nodded. "But where did they go?" Wondered Shadestripe. "That way." Red Claw pointed to the left with his nose. Mapledawn checked the air. "I can smell their scents!" She gasped. "Let me try!" Amberwillow pushed Mapledawn to the side as she lifted her nose. "I can smell them too!" She cried. As Amberwillow looked up, she saw the golden leaf. "The golden leaf Amberwillow!" Mewed Shadestripe. Amberwillow leaped into the air and grabbed the golden leaf. 

Quest For The Lost Realms (Warrior Cats) Book-1Where stories live. Discover now