Chapter 10 (The ghost's tower)

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Frostpelt heard a familiar mew through the ruins.  "Frostpelt!" Mapledawn gasped. "You're alive! Where are the others?" "Down here." Called Dandilionpaw. "Rivershine and the kits are here too." Added Snowpetal. Honeykit ran up to Amberwillow. Hollykit, Flamekit and Mintkit followed close behind. Shadestripe purred and pressed against Amberwillow. Mapledawn glared at Shadestripe and stalked away. Snowpetal and Frostpelt ran through the thick snow, flicking snow at one another. Shadestripe came back from a hunt carrying a shrew, a rabbit and a black bird. Amberwillow's green eyes lit up as she saw the prey Shadestripe had brought back. Mintkit was mewling and Hollykit was sleeping next to Flamekit. "Rocky!" Exclaimed Mapledawn. Rocky looked terrified. "Feather and Fire are dead!" He wailed. Spark was crying. "What happened?" Gasped Seedspring. "I was out hunting and there was a forest fire and I found Feather and Fire's bodies bloody on the ground!" Rocky sobbed. "Spark was the only one breathing!" "Calm down. It's getting dark. Let's talk about it in the morning." Complained Amberwillow. 

"I had a dream. Feather came to me and said the next dimension we will be able to bring back a cat from the dead!" Said Rocky hopefully. "Sorry Rocky. It can't be Feather. Flowerpaw died for all the Clans." Said Seedspring. Rivershine nodded as Rocky looked outraged. "You can join the Clans." Suggested Mapledawn. Rocky looked surprised. "Do you think they'll accept me?" Rocky asked. "And what about Spark?" "AutumnClan took in Thrushwing. She was from SpringClan but now she has a mate and her kits Emberpaw and Aspenpaw." Said Shadestripe. "Amberwillow was thinking of joining AutumnClan too." Added Shadestripe. Dandilionpaw scowled. "You only care about yourself!" She spat. Hurt flashed in Amberwillow's eyes. "I'm s-sorry." Amberwillow stuttered. Dandilionpaw hissed and continued. "You're a fox-heart! Why did you have to be my mentor!" Tears flowed in Amberwillow's eyes. Shadestripe looked at his paws. Honeykit and Flamekit were wailing.

  Amberwillow ran off and settled down on a few leaves and buried her head in her paws, crying. Rivershine followed. Dandilionpaw spun around and stalked away. Rocky looked at his paws as Shadestripe ran and sat down beside his mate, mewing "It's not your fault." "Actually it is!" She sobbed. Mapledawn and Seedspring crouched beside Amberwillow as Snowpetal and Frostpelt reassured Dandilionpaw. "Dandilionpaw, she only wanted the best for her kits." Frostpelt mewed helplessly. "What about me?" Snapped Dandilionpaw. "She still cares about you. She's a queen now. Her responsibility is now to her kits, like it once was for you." Murmured Snowpetal. Dandilionpaw nodded but anger still flashed in her amber eyes. "I miss Flowerpaw." Mewed Dandilionpaw. "Me too." Agreed Snowpetal. "We can bring her back if we get this golden leaf." Pointed out Frostpelt. Mintkit nuzzled Dandilionpaw's cheek and Hollykit purred and her black pelt was fluffed up beside Dandilionpaw. "I guess you're right." Dandilionpaw muttered. "We have to go the direction of the moon to go to the next dimension!" Rivershine exclaimed. Spark and Rocky trailed behind the group. "Ouch!" Wailed Spark as Mintkit stopped. "I got a thorn in my pad!" She mewed through clenched teeth. Flamekit ran over and bit down hard on her pad. "Ow!" Spark whispered. "Hold still!" Called Frostpelt. Rocky stood anxiously over Spark. "Is she alright?" Whispered Snowpetal. Amberwillow padded over and gripped the thorn in her teeth and pulled. "It hurts!" Spark sobbed, "I'll get some dock leaves." Rocky mewed. His amber eyes were wide as he ran. "You are going to be alright." Soothed Snowpetal. Frostpelt nodded. Shadestripe and Amberwillow were sharing tongues as Spark was holding still. "Feather would be so proud." Purred Rocky as he came back with three dock leaves. Dandilionpaw rubbed it on to Spark's wound. Rocky peered over Snowpetal and Frostpelt and stared at his daughter. "I couldn't lose you. I've already lost Feather..." His voice trailed off. "Lose her to a thorn?" Frostpelt's eyes glimmered with amusement. "Don't worry, she's young, she has a lot of life left." "Fire had lots of life left!" Hissed Rocky. "And he died!" Suddenly, Feather appeared. "Fire is not dead, Rocky. He's still alive," Feather mewed. "And in the next dimension, save Flowerpaw." Then, Feather disappeared. "We have to go back! If Fire is still alive we must help him!" Wailed Rocky. They ran back and saw a light tabby she-cat with Fire. "Zoey?" Rocky asked. "Is that you?" Zoey's eyes widened as she saw Rocky. "Rocky!" She flung herself towards him. "I missed you so much!" Zoey's eyes clouded. "I thought I'd never see you again." "Where's Feather?" Asked Zoey, her eyes were filled with confusion. "Feather's dead." Spat Rocky. Zoey backed away. "I'm so sorry!" She wailed. Spark looked surprised. "We saw Fire die." She mewed. "How is he alive?" Zoey shifted her paws. "Rocky is my brother." Explained Zoey. "I was visiting my daughter in the Clans. I saw Fire all by himself, I took care of him." Mapledawn looked suddenly interested. "What's your daughter's name?" She asked. "Lightfern." Murmured Zoey. "When I came to visit she had two kits, Deerkit and Echokit." "They are Antfur's kits, right?" Asked Mapledawn. "Yes." Responded Zoey. "I'd better get going, my housefolk will be looking for me. It was a pleasure meeting you all." She turned around and walked back into her house. "I always thought Lightfern was different." Mewed Shadestripe. Amberwillow nodded. "I've seen her at gatherings." Seedspring, Rivershine and Dandilionpaw stood there in silence. "The Clans are bringing in kittypets!" Spat Seedspring. Rivershine looked disappointed. "How many more are there in the Clans?" Wondered Dandilionpaw. "No idea! But I bet it's a lot!" Hissed Seedspring. "Let's not talk about kittypets." Mewed Snowpetal gently. Amberwillow nodded. Then, a portal appeared near Rocky. "The fifth dimension." Dandilionpaw gasped. "Let's go!" Mewed Frostpelt. Rocky didn't move. "What about Spark and Fire?" He asked. "Do you want to stay or not?" Snapped Frostpelt. Rocky looked unsure. "What will happen to my kits? They are the only memory of Feather I have!" Rocky wailed. "Don't worry, we will all keep them safe just as we will all keep Amberwillow's kits safe." Mewed Rivershine. Seedspring rolled his eyes. "They will be fine!" He sighed. "Let's go!" Mewed Amberwillow. She ran into the portal followed by Shadestripe and their kits. Snowpetal and Frostpelt went through next with Dandilionpaw at their heels. Rocky looked unsure. Zoey ran out of her house folk's nest and mewed. "Rocky, you must go with the wild cats!" She mewed. Rocky shook his head. "You must!" Zoey insisted. Rocky sighed and picked Spark and Fire by their scruffs and went through followed by Rivershine and Seedspring. 

"Rocky! You came!" Exclaimed Frostpelt, anger and surprise in her eyes. "We are so glad you decided to come." Purred Snowpetal, happiness in her green eyes. Dandilionpaw and Honeykit exchanged a glance. "What is this place?" Quivered Hollykit "The ghost's tower." Responded Frostpelt drily. Honeykit shot a scared glance at Amberwillow and Shadestripe. "A g-g-ghost?" Stuttered Rocky. "Rocky! You're as scared as a kit!" Spat Frostpelt. Rocky ignored Frostpelt and continued walking. "I miss Zoey." Wailed Fire. "Ghost!" Whimpered Mintkit. "There is no ghost." Mewed Shadestripe. "I'm telling the truth!" Spat Mintkit. "Look over there!" "A ghost!" Repeated Spark. The ghost swept over Flamekit, making him retreat to his mother. "It flew overtop of me!" He wailed. "Don't worry, Flamekit." Mewed Shadestripe. "I won't let anything get close to you and your sisters." Amberwillow looked horrified. "How do we make cats from the dead come back alive?" She begged. "You need to push that button over there and one of you has to wish for that cat to come back but before that, you must defeat the ghost army with those water tools." Said the ghost. Dandilionpaw looked nervous but excited. "What will happen to us if we fail?" "We take your soul, and you become one of us." Replied the ghost. "Mommy! I don't want to be a ghost!" Wailed Mintkit. Amberwillow said nothing but pressed against Shadestripe. "Don't worry Amberwillow, I'll take care of you." He licked her shoulder. "I'm not scared! I'm just doing this cause I love you!" She snapped. "You do?" Shadestripe looked taken aback. "Well um.. I would not have mated with you if I didn't!" Spat Amberwillow. "It's not time for lovers quarrels!" Hissed Dandilionpaw. 

Quest For The Lost Realms (Warrior Cats) Book-1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora