Chapter 26 (Danelionpaw's ceremony)

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"Dandelionpaw, step forward. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" Asked Berrystar. "I do." Replied Dandelionpaw. "From this day forward, you will be known as Dandeliontuft. You are welcome as a full warrior of SpringClan. The Clan will honour your loyalty and support." Purred Berrystar. I'm finally a warrior! Thought Dandeliontuft. And I deserve to be one!  "Oh, and Dandeliontuft, can you and Tulipleaf mentor Cloudkit and Mosskit?" Added Berrystar softly. "With pleasure." Mewed Tulipleaf. She flashed a glance at Dandeliontuft, who nodded. "Cloudkit, you are ready to become an apprentice, Dandeliontuft will be your mentor." Mewed Berrystar. In the corner of Dandeliontuft's eye, she could see Cloudkit's mother pushing her towards Berrystar. "Mosskit, you are also ready to become an apprentice, your mentor will be Tulipleaf." Mewed Berrystar. "Cloudpaw, Mosspaw! Cloudpaw, Mosspaw!" Cheered SpringClan. Cloudpaw and Mosspaw's parents were watching their kits with pride in their eyes. Dandeliontuft looked at Thistlefur, who was not chanting, he watched Dandeliontuft and Cloudpaw with cold amber eyes. "What did we do wrong?" Bristled Cloudpaw, fear in her eyes. "Nothing. Thistlefur is just really grumpy." Replied Dandeliontuft, not knowing what to say to cheer up Cloudpaw. "What shall we do first?" She asked. She seemed to have let go the thought of Thistlefur. "Hunting crouch." Mewed Dandeliontuft. Why did Berrystar let me have an apprentice? I just became a warrior for StarClan's sake!  Thought Dandeliontuft bitterly. Though she didn't want to disappoint Cloudpaw and make her thing she was a bad mentor, she kept her mouth shut. Cloudpaw crouched down, her tail in the air. "You need to keep your tail near the ground. So prey won't see you when you stalk." Purred Dandeliontuft. This was amusing, did it feel this funny to Amberwillow when she mentored me? Thought Dandeliontuft, Cloudpaw's mew broke her from her thoughts. "Dandeliontuft! Thistlefur is spying on us!" She complained. Dandeliontuft looked around, Thistlefur was hiding in the reeds. "Stop it Thistlefur!" She snapped, she was well aware of him looking upset. Nettleclaw poked his head in from between the reeds to look at them. "Is he bothering you?" He asked. Dandeliontuft nodded. "He was spying on me and my apprentice!" She spat. Nettleclaw pressed against Thistlefur's side, guiding him away. "Thank you!" She called after him. Cloudpaw shivered. "Is he always this weird?" She asked slowly. "Yes. I think he wants to tell me how to train my apprentice!" Dandeliontuft mewed angrily. 

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