Chapter 19 (The Acceptance Back Into The Clans)

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"Snowpetal! Frostpelt!" Called Moonclaw. "We thought you'd abandoned us!" Frostpelt rolled her eyes. "Why would we do that mouse brain?" She mewed sarcastically. Moonclaw looked offended but guided them back to the Clan. Rivershine, Flowerpaw and Seedspring went off in the other direction. Amberwillow took her kits and Dandilionpaw back to SpringClan. Rocky and his kits followed Mapledawn and Shadestripe. Raindrop trailing behind. "Leafstar! We're back! And we have some loners with us." Mewed Shadestripe. Leafstar looked unhappy. "Loners?" She gasped. Mapledawn looked unsure and mewed. "They don't harm anyone. They have kits and they would like to be warriors." Eaglespots ran up to Rocky. "Zoey!" He mewed. He touched noses with her. "I'm Eaglespots now, ever since Feather guided me here, I've been happy. Lightfern looked calm. "It's time for your ceremony." She purred at Rocky. Leafstar gazed at the kits. "Kits would be good for the Clan." She conceded. "Spark, here you will be known as Sparkpaw, your mentor will be Breezepool, and Fire, you will be known as Firepaw. Tawnyfur will your mentor." Mewed Leafstar. her gaze stopped at Rocky. "Rocky, do you want to change your name?" Leafstar asked, clearly wanted nothing more to do with rogues.  Rocky shook his head and Leafstar continued.  "What about you Raindrop?" Leafstar prompted her.  Raindrop shook her head. "I like my name." She mewed. Leafstar nodded. "These cats are now members of AutumnClan!" 

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