Chapter 23 (Moonclaw's dream)

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Moonclaw stretched, it was the middle of the night. Moonclaw watched Frostpelt's flank rise and fall. He rested his muzzle on her soft white fur. Frostpelt's head rose. "Moonclaw? What are you doing? It's the middle of the night!" She whispered. "Do you want to go for a walk in the forest?" Moonclaw nodded. Frostpelt sat up. Blinking the sleep out of her green eyes. "Why did you wake me up though?" Frostpelt asked. Annoyance flashed in her eyes then amusement. "Your the deputy." Moonclaw lashed his tail, "Doesn't mean I can't be with you." He mewed. Frostpelt pressed against his side. "I know." She sighed. Moonclaw and Frostpelt got out of their nests. "You don't need to be with me. I'm not really looking for a mate yet. Plus, Daisypelt and some other she-cats are available." Mewed Frostpelt. Moonclaw felt sadness burn his pelt. "Frostpelt, I love you. Please!" He whispered. Frostpelt looked unhappy. "I don't want to be in the nursery!" She mewed. "We don't need to have any kits." Responded Moonclaw, hope flickered in his eyes. Frostpelt rolled her eyes. "Fine! But I want to stay on patrols!" She mewed. Moonclaw nodded. "And I can't stay with you forever! I also want time with my younger sister, Snowpetal!" Frostpelt added. Moonclaw pressed his muzzle against hers. "I love you." He mewed. "Me too." Frostpelt responded.  

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