Chapter 14 (The Sun And Moon)

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"Amberwillow!" Wailed Honeykit, The sky was gray and lightning struck in the distance. "Don't worry precious." Responded Amberwillow. Flowerpaw licked her paw and drew it over her ear. "What about Violetwing's prophecy?" Asked Dandilionpaw to Shadestripe. He shrugged. "I guess we were suppose to save Flowerpaw." Rocky looked heartbroken for a moment then he shook out his fur. "I wish we could save Feather." He mewed. Flowerpaw looked unhappy. "Do you wish you hadn't saved me?" She stuttered.  "No! Of course not! You are a valuable member of our team!" Insisted Seedspring. Rocky rolled his eyes. Amberwillow, Honeykit and Mapledawn trailed behind the group with Frostpelt and Snowpetal just behind them. "Rocky is overreacting!" Snarled Frostpelt. Snowpetal gentle green gaze turned to agreement. "I know. He's being so mean and hard on poor Flowerpaw." Agreed Snowpetal. Rocky overheard and glared at them. 

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