Chapter 1

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The day started like any other day. Naia was sitting at a round table sketching out designs for a upcoming show in New York. The designs she had sketched out were of summer wear. Her notebook was covered with colorful sketches of dresses, tank tops, Capri pants, and high waisted shorts. Naia looked over her sketches with a wide smile. This was the easy part. Actually sewing and putting together the fabric for the clothing is where the real work began. She had just finished fashion design college over a year ago. When she broke the news to her parents, musician Prince and actress Nona Gaye and daughter of Motown legend Marvin Gaye; the reactions she got from them were mixed. Her mother always thought she would follow in her footsteps and be an actress. Her father on the other hand was supportive in whatever she desired to do for a career. Naia also had outside support from a long friend of her father, musician and actor Lenny Kravitz. Before closing her sketch book Naia looked over her designs once more.

"Okay, stop. You're going to overreact and start second guessing yourself. Your work is good, Naia." She told herself as she forced herself to close her sketch book.

"You're still in here this late?" A familiar deep voice called out from behind her.

A smile involuntarily grew on her lips at the sound of the voice behind her. Naia knew immediately who that was. It was no other than Lenny. She turned around to meet his gaze. He stood before her in a button down black shirt that hugged his toned body perfectly and a pair of blue jeans. Since he and her father had been friends since before she was born, she had developed a close relationship with him and his daughter Zoë.

"Please. It's not even that late. It's only 12 AM. Besides, I had to finish up these sketches."

Naia officially greeted him with a warm friendly hug. Her arms wrapped around his body securely whilst he did the same. After pulling away from his embrace, he smiled at her. Flashing his perfect pearly whites teeth.

"I consider that late. You're working on a few sketches, huh? Let me see what you've been working on so far." He insisted with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

She reached down to pick up the sketchbook from off the table and placed the book in his hands. Getting feedback from others always made her nervous. It didn't help that was such a perfectionist.

While he studied each sketch carefully, Naia crossed her arms against her chest as she awaited his opinion of her designs.


"Well?" He repeated in a playful tone as he kept his eyes on her book.

"Well, what do you think? Do you like it or no?"

"Honestly? I love your designs. All except the Capri pants. They're not really doing anything for me. But I'm not a woman so I'm not really an expert on women clothing like that."

His gaze returned to hers momentarily before he closed the sketchbook.

"You should show these to Zoë. I think she would really like them."

"I definitely plan to whenever she returns from London. I know I could FaceTime her, but it's just not the same."

"That I understand. Don't freight. She'll be back soon."

Lenny returned the sketchbook to her.

"In the meantime, what are your plans for tonight?"

As he asked her that question, Naia laughed softly. She was taken by surprise at that question.

"Um... I had originally planned to go back to my place and watch Games of Thrones. Why? You're lonely and want me as your company?"

Lenny laughed in amusement.

"No! - Well, yes. Also I want to catch up with you and see how your old man and mother are doing. I've been trying to call Prince for two weeks now and it goes straight to voicemail."

"That's my father for you! I'd bet $200 he's locked up in that studio as usual. Tell me, do you have a place in mind you'd like to go to?"

Naia smiled to herself as she envisioned her father being locked up in that studio in his infamous Paisley Park complex. Every since she could remember he would do that. Sometimes she couldn't help but think that was the reason him and her mother didn't last. - Well, she figured it had to be one of the reasons. The other reasons her mother and father never really worked out is because he was fooling around with his back up dancer Mayte. Whom he ultimately married three months before Naia was born.

"Typical Prince. Yes, I do actually. I was thinking we could go back to my place have a few drinks and listen to a few tracks of mine from my upcoming album."

"Drinks AND music? Sold to the light skin brotha with dreads!" She responded with a laugh. "Let me just tidy up a bit first and we can be on our way."

"Of course, of course. I'll even give you a hand."

Naia and Lenny both worked together in picking up crumbled paper that layed scattered on the floor. They were from earlier when Naia was brainstorming ideas for her upcoming designs. Also there were candy wrappers and a Wendy's take out bag sitting on the table too. All that went into the trash. Minutes later they both began making their way to the doorway.

"That didn't take too long!" She exhaled pushing her long black hair away from her face.

"It really didn't. For future references though, just sit the trash can next to you instead of throwing everything on the floor."

"Oh, shut up!" Playfully, she gave him a shove just before they stepped outside the studio complex.

She had fixed the door so it would lock automatically once she closed the door from outside. But before she walked away, she turned the door handle to make sure the door was locked. After she knew for sure the door was locked, Naia followed Lenny over his car that sat parked on the side of the curb. His car was dark. Black to be exact with matching tinted windows. Anyone who were heavily into cars could see right off the bat the model of the car was a Mercedes. Lenny held the passenger side door open for her. This wasn't new to her, he always did that whenever the two of them hung out together. That was just the kind of gentleman he was. Despite the many times he did that, she couldn't help but admire his kindness. It was rare to come across men who were a gentleman such as he was. Once she was in the car, he closed the passenger side door and walked over to the driver's side. He got in the car and started the ignition. The car was warm, of course it only made sense it would be seeing as New York was in the middle of a massive heat wave. You would think it would cool off a bit once the sun set, but that made no difference. Lenny leaned over to turn on the air conditioner before he turned to look over at Naia.

"Seatbelt." He insisted sternly.



Naia thought he was being ridiculous, but she did as he instructed and put on her seatbelt. After he heard the seatbelt click indicating the seatbelt was indeed on, he pulled away from side of the curb.

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