Chapter 19

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The ordeal yesterday at Naia's job left her feeling somewhat conflicted. She couldn't get Aubrey's words out of her head—boring. Never had she heard those words from anyone about anything she had ever done. All that was to be pushed to the side though. Her plane was leaving in an hour and she was focusing on making sure she arrived to the airport on time.

Earlier that morning, Naia finished packing the things she thought she would need for her time in Georgetown. Before she left the house, she had called her mom and father to let them know they wouldn't be able to get in contact with her for a few days via call and texting. Her mom was cool with it and said have fun. Her father on the other hand—the main question he had was 'who's the guy?' Of course she played it off and told him there was no guy. What was she supposed to say? 'It's your friend Lenny! We're going to get drunk and have lots of sex!' She knew they had to be careful sneaking around, especially with the way paparazzi is.

Seeing as she had left her apartment early, she was able to beat the heavy traffic that New York is known for. By the time 7 AM rolled around, the streets were packed with people going to work or taking their children to school. She hated being up so early, but she knew she would most likely catch some sleep on her flight. It was a four hour flight after all. Within an hour after departing her apartment, her chauffer pulled up to the airport runway. Knowing that she was coming to see him, Lenny had arranged for her to take a private plane to come out to Georgetown. Naia didn't know about that until Lenny facetimed her that morning and gave her the news. The airline tickets she had bought beforehand was pretty much going to waste. But she wasn't complaining. She would take private or public any day.

Once her car came to complete stop on the runway, she got out of the car and closed the door behind her

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Once her car came to complete stop on the runway, she got out of the car and closed the door behind her. The day was a beautiful sunny day. Not too cold and not too hot. Spring was definitely soon approaching and she was loving every minute of it. As her chauffeur got her bags from the trunk of the car, she proceeded up the stairs that led to the main cabin.

The inside of the cabin was luxuriously designed

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The inside of the cabin was luxuriously designed. The cream, light brown, and black color schemes all meshed well together. And the chairs looked so comfortable. Moments later, her chauffeur came aboard into the cabin and asked where she wanted her bags. She told him to just leave them in one of the chairs—he did exactly that. Before exiting the cabin, he told her to have fun and have a safe journey. Naia smiled and thanked him for his kind words. With that, he exited for the cabin. Now left alone in the cabin, she did some exploring the space. She sat down on the long cream colored chair to see if it was as comfortable as it looked, and it definitely was. She bounced on the cushions to test out the firmness.

"Mm. Sturdy. I like that." When she was finished, she stood from the couch and walked over to the wet bar. It had all type of alcohol imaginable. From Champagne to Sangria.

She decided to pour herself a glass of champagne. Sure, it was too early to be drinking, but hey why not? Just as she was about to take her seat and prepare herself for take off, a boutique of flowers caught her attention. They were white roses and beside them laid a card with 'For Naia' written on it.

Setting her glass of champagne on top of the wet bar, she grabbed the card and read what was written inside it.

Naia, my love. I can't wait to see you and adore you in the way you deserve. You're such a captivating woman and I plan to show you how special you are to me. Over and over again.

        With Love,

A smile formed on her face after reading Lenny's words. He really knew how to make a girl feel special, and after the day she had yesterday, those words needed to be heard. That letter only made her anticipation of seeing him grow more.

As she was in the midst of rereading the letter over again, she was interrupted by the pilot. The tall older man who had blonde ish hair told her to take her seat as they were preparing to take off soon. Following his instructions, she picked up her glass of champagne and took it with her to the long chair along with the card.

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