Lenny & Zoë

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       While Naia was still sleeping, Lenny stepped outside and dialed the familiar number he knew by heart

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       While Naia was still sleeping, Lenny stepped outside and dialed the familiar number he knew by heart. He was using the wifi signal around his trailer to FaceTime his daughter Zoë to tell her the news. He wondered how she would feel about Naia becoming her step mother. He knew it would probably leave her speechless with so many questions.

The FaceTime ringing sound went on for a couple of seconds before he soon saw Zoë's face on the other end.

"Hey, big guy!" Zoë answered with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey, ZoZo! I hope I didn't interrupt you with anything did I?"

"Not at all. I'm actually just getting back in from a walk in the park with Karl."

"I'm glad to hear that. How is Karl, by the way?" Lenny asked as he sat down on one of the chairs on the side of his trailer.

It seemed as if it was just yesterday when Zoë was born. And now she was a married woman with a blossoming career. He couldn't be any prouder of his little girl.

"You know how Karl is. He's always good." She laughed. "What about you? What you have going on, big guy? From the way your back surroundings look, you're in the Bahamas, aren't you?"

"You already know, ZoZo. I'll only be here for a few more days. Then I'll be going out to New York and then back to Paris."

"Wow. Aren't you busy?"

Lenny laughed and pushed one of his shoulder length locks out of his face. "Always. But I suppose I will have to settle on one place to live soon."

"Oh? Why so?"

"I'm getting married, ZoZo."

Zoë blinked repeatedly at her father—staring at him in complete shock.

"We—to whom?! This is really sudden, dad. I didn't even know you were dating someone let alone talking marriage."

"Her name is Naia."

"WAIT A MINUTE. You're not talking about THE NAIA who is yay tall, has hazel eyes, and who is dark skin, are you?"


"..... Really, dad? You mean to tell me one of my best friends is going to be my new step mother? Mind you, I'm seven years older than her! When did all of this even happen?"

"Oh, ZoZo it's a long story." He sighed, standing up. "Can you just show support?"

"She's pregnant ain't she? That's the reason for the shot gun wedding, huh?"

"No, she's not pregnant! Well—to my knowledge she isn't."

"Mm. Mm. Mm. This is wild. Who would have thought you was getting down with one of my friends. Is there any others I should know about?"

"No. It's just Naia, and honestly it wasn't planned at all! We just hung out one day, it got late, she came over and—"

Zoë stopped him before he could go into any further details. "Please. Stop. I get the picture."

"My bad."

"This is a HUGE shock to me and I'm sure it will be for everyone else when they find out, but if she makes you happy you have my support. Naia... she's a good woman. And she's so kind and beautiful too!"

Lenny smiled as he listened to Zoë speak fondly of Naia. It was a relief she didn't go too ballistic over the news.

"That she is. So you understand why I'm marrying her. She's the one."

"That's cute. BUT. For the record, I am not calling her mom. That would be too weird."

He laughed heartily before speaking again. "Honestly, I don't think she would like you calling her that anyways. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how many brothers and sisters you want?" He asked with a playful tone in his voice.

However, Zoë wasn't amused. She stared at him with a straight pokerface.

"You got jokes, I see."

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