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The moment the stroking of her hand slowed down against his dick, he rolled them over once again so he was back on top of her. He pulled his pants completely off and tossed them on the floor next to her dress.

"Remember when I said I was going to get you back?" He asked, staring down at her.


"That time has now come." Lenny wrapped his large hand against the side of her neck and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder.

He pushed himself deep inside of her and began working his hips. His strokes started off slow and deep. He groaned softly as he got fully in tune and reacquainted with her body. The deep powerful thrusts made her moan almost instantly. Her nails dug firmly against his back as the rhythm of his strokes quickened.

"God, I love this pussy..." He moaned in his raspy voice.

When the grip on her throat tightened just slightly, Naia scratched down against his back extra hard. "Not too tight!"

"Shut up." Lenny leaned down to kiss her lips deeply. His thrusts then became more aggressive. His other hand gripped onto her thigh tightly as he rolled his hips in a circular motion. Naia broke away from the kiss to moan heavily against his lips.

Her walls began to tighten as she felt herself nearing closer and closer to her climax. At the same time, his dick ring brushed up against her clit with each thrust; that doubled her pleasure greatly. It seemed as if her senses became numb to everything around her except Lenny. She didn't even realize the vinyl player was still playing. All she heard was her moans, his moans, and the sound of their skin  slapping against each other.

Naia's breathing became heavier which was accompanied by loud moaning. Sweat glistened on both of their skin as their bodies pushed and pulled together.

"I... I'm close..." She moaned in a breathless voice.

Driven by the look of ecstasy that was on her face, in her eyes, and in her moans, his deep aggressive thrusts never faultered. This sent her over the edge. Her back arched as tears became to form in her eyes from the intense amount of pleasure that shot throughout her body. Lenny could sense she was close to her orgasm.

"Come for me, Naia..." He whispered with each stroke.

Surely enough, she came. A sharp deep moan left her lips as her orgasm released itself. Her orgasmic juices gushed from within her and covered his dick. Soon after he reached his climax too. He kept thrusting until he finished filling her with his warm cum.

"I love you..." She confessed—still completely out of breath. When the words left her lips, she immediately regretted it. In that moment, she was just completely mind blown and still in a state of ecstasy.

"Oh?" Lenny looked down at her with a confused look on his face. Just when she was about to answer him, there was a knock on the door.

He pulled out from within her and grabbed his black silk robe from off the coat rack. His skin was still glistening with sweat which just made him look like he was glowing. Naia just stared at him—completely smitten. At the same time, she wondered who the hell that was at the door.

"Who is that?" She asked as she crawled underneath the covers.

"I have no idea. But I'm going to see." Another knock tapped against the door. Lenny opened it and stepped outside. Whoever it was hiding on the side of the door.

Wanting to be nosey, she wrapped one of the sheets from the day bed around her body and stood by the door. Outside, she heard Lenny talking to another man. But wait—she knew that voice. It couldn't be...

Slightly, she pushed the door open to peek outside. She saw a short lightskinned man talking to Lenny. He had an afro with a blue outfit that was clearly made just for him. When Lenny moved to the side a bit, she saw it was indeed her father.

She quickly closed the door and went back inside. But it was too late. Seeing that was Naia inside the trailer, Prince pushed passed Lenny despite his efforts to keep him back. Prince flung the door open and glared at Naia and Lenny. A sarcastic unamused laugh erupted from his lips.

"Ain't this a bitch? My supposedly best friend is in here fucking my daughter. I thought that was just some random white woman you had in here, but alas."

"Dad... I can explain."

Prince's attention went directly on Naia. The hazel eyes he had mirrored hers. Instead of them being kind like they usually was, they were filled with anger. "Explain what exactly, Naia? That you aren't in here acting like some floozy groupie thot?!"

"Hey! Don't do that." Lenny interrupted.

"Nobody asked you Jimi Hendrix reject." Prince grabbed Naia by her wrist.

"Come on. You're going back home with me. Clearly your mother is slacking on her part. We'll go to church so you can repent these whore tendencies."

Naia looked at her father in shock and snatched her arm away from him.

"NO! I'm not going to church to repent something I'm not sorry for. I like Lenny. And for the record, I am grown."

"Blasphemy! You're not grown until I say you are."

"Prince. Listen. You know I love and admire you, but I'm not gonna have you in here talking to her like that. You're not only disrespecting her, but me too."

Prince looked at Lenny completely unphased by his words. "Don't tell me about disrespect when you've just gotten done defiling my daughter."

"I mean... since you were out there knocking while I was bringing her to her climax, I think you of all people know she was enjoying it... A LOT."

"LEONARD." Lenny's words made her eyes widen in shock. He wasn't wrong but he didn't have to say that—especially not in front of her father.

His words visibly disturbed Prince greatly. He raised his diamond encrusted cane and hit Lenny with it. This came as a surprise to Naia. Her father had never been the violent type before.


Prince continued to swing his cane at Lenny, but Lenny blocked the blows. The both of them brawled it out in the small living room space. It was clear Lenny was holding back because he didn't want to hurt Prince. Lenny managed to yank the cane from Prince's hand and held it out of his reach. The whole scene was surreal.

"If you don't leave I'm calling the police and my security guards." Lenny warned.

Prince just looked at him in disgust. "This ain't over. It ain't over by a long shot."

"But baby it ain't over til it's over..." Lenny sang in a falsetto register with a sly smirk on his face.

Not saying another word, Prince left the trailer. Naia just stood in the corner of the kitchen area with her hands over her face. She had so many questions. Lenny walked over to her and laid his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

She just stayed silent.

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