Chapter 25

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Wanting to ease her worries a bit regarding the possibility she could be pregnant, they stopped by a store on the way home and bought three home pregnancy tests. Lenny felt as though she was taking to heart what that psychic told her. He wished she didn't. He wished they even went into that place, but what's done is done.

A lot of emotions ran through her mind as she sat on the bed with the boxes of pregnancy tests laying next to her. How could she be so stupid and put herself in this situation? She wanted to be in denial, but from the psychic's prediction and her throwing up twice in one day, it could be possible she was pregnant.

"Well... are you going to take the tests?" Lenny asked, glancing over at her.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to pump myself up into doing it."

"I still think you're overreacting. When those tests come back negative, you're going to laugh so hard at all of this."

"Let's hope that's the case." She picked up the three pregnancy tests and went into the bathroom.


Once she finished taking the tests, she washed her hands and came from out of the bathroom.

"Now we wait 15 minutes."

"Alright. While we wait, do you want anything? A drink? Something to eat?"

"No, I'm not very hungry or thirsty right now. I just—"

Sighing deeply, she put her hands over her face. The frustration and anger she felt with herself was overwhelming.

Noticing that she was upset, Lenny walked over to Naia and rubbed his hand against her back. "You need to calm down. You worry too much. Keep it up and you're going to get wrinkles or gray hairs."

"I will not. You know the saying. Black don't crack."

"Well played."

They sat in silence as they waited for the 15 minutes to be up. Lenny tried to make small talk every now and then, but it was hard for Naia to engage in it 100%. This seemed like the longest 15 minutes of her life. She paced back and forth from the kitchen area to the bedroom area.

After what seemed like hours, the 15 minutes was up. It was now the moment of truth. She saw it as, IF what the psychic said about her being pregnant was true, then her other prediction would soon come true too. And from the way it sounded, it would be a terrible tragedy.

"The 15 minutes are up now..." She mumbled looking over at Lenny.

"Go get the tests then so we can have a drink in celebration of you not being with child. Like I've said, you're not pregnant."

She shook her head at his reassurance. There was only one way to find out the truth and that was to go look at the tests. She sauntered to the bathroom; reluctantly she glanced at the three pregnancy tests that sat on the sink. The results made her burst into tears. It had been a while since she had cried that hard.

When Lenny heard her cries, he rushed into the bathroom and looked at her with a look of concern on his face.

"What happened?"

No words came from her. She just walked from the bathroom with tears steadily running down her face. He grabbed ahold of her wrist to turn her around to look at him.

"Naia, talk to me. What are the results?" He asked.

She wiped away the tears from her eyes with her hands before looking up at him. "I'm pregnant."

Lenny looked at her stunned. He was completely speechless. "I... Well. This is a surprise."

Naia laughed at him in an unamusing tone as she pulled her arm from his grip. "Sure it is. You knew exactly what you were doing when you constantly slept with me without any type of protection. When I voiced my concern about that, you always said 'have my baby. I'll take care of you'." She mimicked, making her voice raspy like his.

"Really Naia? Are we really going to play the blame game right now?"

"Not at all. I just feel like you planned this as a way to trap me."

"TRAP YOU?" He shouted. "You know what, fuck you, Naia. The fact you think I would even do something like that says a lot about you. To question my character and morals as a human being is low. If anything I could say you are trying to trap me. You're a grown ass woman. You knew we were having unprotected sex a lot. If you TRULY didn't want a baby, you would have gotten on the pill. There's no excuse at all. You women have so many options available."

Now furious at what was being said to her; mainly because he was right, she slapped her hand against his face hard. A look of anger grew in his eyes as she slapped him. In reaction to her hit, he grabbed her upper arms and pinned her against the wall.

"I'm tired of you putting your fucking hands on me. If I was to hit you back I would be wrong and catch a case. Fucking grow up, Naia." He demanded, looking into her eyes.

She just pushed him away. "Go to hell."

"You first. At this point, I'm tired. I regret this whole little rendezvous we had going on for the last couple of months. You clearly have a lot of growing up to do. Only now, things are complicated because there's a child in the picture now. Stupid mistakes." He retorted as he grabbed his joint from the kitchen table.

She shook her head in disbelief. She really didn't know what else to say, but one thing she knew was she had to get away from him and off that damn island.

"Stupid mistakes? The feeling is mutual. You don't even have to marry me anymore, as a matter of fact, I don't want to see you again. I will raise my baby on my own." With that, she grabbed her suitcase and began throwing all her belongings into it.

"That's how it's going to be now? It's not just your baby, Naia. That's both of our baby. I can't believe you're acting like this. I'm really dumbfounded right now. And where the hell are you even going?!" He walked over to her and snatched her suitcase from her.

"Away. I need to get away from you!"

"No. You need to calm the fuck down and fucking start acting your age! You're acting as though I gave you AIDS or herpes. It's JUST a baby."

"A baby I don't really want. I... I'm not ready for this, Leonard!"

"What are you trying to say? You want to get an abortion? Is that it?"

Truthfully, in the back of her mind, that is what she wanted. But she knew in her heart she would eventually grow to regret that decision. As she looked into his eyes, it made it harder for her to give him a straight answer. Her emotions were all over the place in that moment.

She just could not answer his question. Instead, she ran to the back room, closed the door, and locked it. What was she going to do? Not only that, her pregnancy being confirmed also proved everything else the psychic predicted was going to come true. The overwhelming feeling she felt was heavy. All she could do was sit in the corner of the room and cry.

Lenny's voice and the sound of him hitting on the door soon became distorted sounds in the background.

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