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Naia was laying stretched out on the long sofa like chair when she was awaken from her sleep. The sudden tap on her shoulder made her jump upright.

"Sorry to startle you, Ms. Nelson, but I wanted to let you know we've arrived at your final destination." The pilot explained to her.

"Gee. That was quick. And please. Don't call me Ms. Nelson. I feel old when that happens." She expressed as she stood from the chair. As she stood up, the card that was on her lap fell to the floor. Swiftly, she reached down to grab it.

"My apologies, Naia. I'm just trying to do my job." The pilot shrugged his shoulders and retreated from the cabin and back to the pit.

Naia turned around to look out the window behind her. Almost immediately she was drawn in at the view. The water was just as blue as the skies. She couldn't wait to begin taking photos. The side door of the plane opened and the stairs descended. A man who worked at the airport in which the plane was at came on board to grab her luggage for her. He was about to grab her carry on bag too, but she let him know she could handle that. Not obliging, the man just took the bigger luggage and escorted it off the plane. Following behind him, she walked down the stairs too.

"There she is." A familiar voice called out. She looked up to see it was no other Lenny.

She tried to suppress a wide smile because she didn't want him to see her being too happy to see him. She felt if he saw that, he would think she was dickmatized or something. When she made it down the stairs, Lenny greeted her with a tight hug. He felt and smelled so good. He smelled like the island air. She pulled away slightly to get a good look at him, and of course he looked amazing. His shoulder length locks just framed his face perfectly. The colorful shirt he had on was unbuttoned just enough to expose his toned chest. All that was finished with a pair of jeans that was ripped at the knees.

"Look at you. You looking decent." She responded in a playful tone as she brushed her thumb against his cheek.

Lenny chuckled lightly and took her hand into his. "Thank you. You my love is looking beautiful as always. I love this little floral dress you have on. It compliments your skin tone perfectly."

His comment made her smile and blush a bit. "How kind of you."

With her hand in his, Lenny led Naia over to the jeep near the end of the runway. After taking her luggage from the baggage handler, he put it in the back of the red jeep. Noticing that she still had her carry on over her shoulder, he offered to take that. Without hesitation, Naia gave him the carry on bag and walked over to the passenger side of the jeep—climbing inside. Seconds later, Lenny got in on the driver's side and pulled from the airport runway.

There was a silence for a moment as the two of them drove down the semi busy highway. Ever so often, she could see from the corner of her eye Lenny taking a peek at her. Not wanting their whole drive to be silent, she decided to be the one to speak first.

"So. Where is that song you said you wanted me to hear?"

"In my trailer."

"You should have brought it with you. I would have loved to hear it during this ride."

"I thought about that, but that would be pointless. This isn't even my car."

Upon hearing that, she turned her head to look at him with a raised brow. "God, Leonard. Don't tell me you highjacked some poor tourists' car."

Lenny laughed heartily and shook his head. "No. I wouldn't do anything that extreme! I have connections. I asked a friend to let me borrow this car. We need this to get to the pier. From there, we will take my boat to the part of Georgetown I call home."

"A boat?"

"Yep. What? You didn't think I lived here did you? Just right out in the heart of the city?"

"Well... yeah!" Naia confessed with a laugh.

"Good thing you didn't put any money on that thought. You would be broke right now."

"You think you're funny don't you?"

"Just a tad bit."

In a playful manner, Naia rolled her eyes at Lenny's remark.

When Lenny pulled up to the pier, the both of them got out. The guy whom Lenny had borrowed the jeep from came over to where they were and took the keys from Lenny. While the two of them exchanged words, Naia went to the back of the jeep to grab her carry on bag. Seconds later Lenny came up beside her and grabbed her heavier luggage. He then led her down the boardwalk which would ultimately lead them to his boat.

It was craziest thing, there were a crowd of people around but they were treating Lenny as if he was an ordinary person and not LENNY KRAVITZ the rockstar. Clearly he loved that. Once they made it to the end of the boardwalk, Lenny hopped onto his boat. It wasn't just some plain Jane boat neither. It was a shiny black mini yacht type boat. He extended his hand to help her aboard.

"This is really nice, Leonard. I've been on a huge yacht before, but not a mini one! I for sure need to get one of these."

He exhaled deeply with a hint of annoyance. "You and that name..." his voice trailed off.

"What?! It's your name!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

With that, he walked over to the control station and began touching all the gadgets that turned on the motor. The loud motor took her by surprise. For some reason she thought it would be more silent. Once he let motor run for awhile, he pulled away from the boardwalk dock and on to the open waters.

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