chapter 11

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With the concern for her father still ringing in the back of her mind, Naia tried to put all that onto the back burner for the time being. She looked down at the digital clock on her nightstand by her bed and it read 9:38 AM.

"Fuck." she muttered as she rushed to her closet to find something to wear to this meeting of hers.

Since it was a meeting regarding business, she knew she had to dress in professional attire. She pulled out high waisted black pants along with red blouse with ruffles trailing down the middle of the shirt. It kinda reminded her of the blouses her father used to wear in the 80's, but of course it was way cuter.

She wasted no time getting dressed. The little things that usually distracted her when she got ready to go anywhere was irrelevant in that moment. After she was dressed, she sat at her rose colored makeup table. Like most makeup tables, hers was cluttered with all type of makeup—various lipstick colors, eyeliner, eyeshadow, even a few bottles of nail polish.

"Hm... should I go for the natural look in which less is more or go ahead and throw some red lipstick on to add a bit of razzle dazzle." Time was ticking and she knew she had to go on and hurry up.

"Oh, what the hell. Let's add some razzle dazzle and go with the red lipstick." Just as she picked up the tube of red lipstick, her doorbell rang.

The tube of lipstick that were in her hand, she dropped it before walking out of her bedroom and down the hallway that led to her living room.

"Who the hell could this be." She asked herself as she inched over to the front door.

When she looked through the peephole of the door, she saw who it was. It was Lenny. Though she was happy to see him, she was a bit annoyed too. It had been two days since she had heard from him. Not wanting her emotions to get the best of her, Naia unlocked and pulled the door open.

"Hey, babe. How are you?!" Lenny asked. He was standing in blue jeans, a button down white shirt, and a matching blue jean jacket. Oh, and of course his shade.

"I don't know. You would know how I'm doing if you bothered to call me or something."

"Uh... what's your problem? You're acting like I killed your dog. Your whole demeanor is bitchy right now, and I have no idea why."

Naia scoffed and walked away from the door. "Bitchy? No. I'm upset. After we slept together, you just left. To make matters worse, I didn't hear from you for two days. Who does that?"

Lenny stepped inside and closed the front door behind him.

"Naia. About that. An emergency came up and I had to catch an impromptu flight to Paris. I know I should have called you, but the timezones, baby. I know you're a busy woman and I didn't want to interrupt whatever you had going on."

"Mm..." She muttered unimpressed by his explanation.

"Come on. Please don't be angry with me. I'll make it up to you. As a matter of fact, I'll do it tonight. We can go to Shelter Island. It's real beautiful at night. Afterwards we can find a nice hotel to stay in and just enjoy each other's company."

Naia tried to stay upset at him because she was really hurt deep down at his disappearing act. But she couldn't stay anger at him for too long.

"I don't know. I'll have to check my schedule and see." A flirty playful tone lingered in her voice as she spoke.

"Is that right, huh?" Lenny removed his shades from over his eyes as he stepped closer to Naia.


"Let's see if I can bump my position on your schedule a bit higher." He stared alluringly into her eyes as his full lips brushed up against hers softly.

The eye contact between her and Lenny made her weak in the knees. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering like crazy. She gave into her longing and desire for him. Like a quarter to a magnet, their lips met with one another. The soft passionate kiss immediately reminded her of the night they gave into lustful temptations.

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