Chapter 22

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"I'm not allowed to take off my shades while I'm in public?" He asked, following behind her. "You're being dramatic right now, Naia."

She stopped next to his black Porsche and turned to look at him. "I'm not being dramatic. I know what I saw."

"And what you saw, hm?"

"You being a flirty with some girl by the bar. Just laughing and having a good old time like I'm chopped liver."

Lenny looked at her completely dumbfounded. "Being flirty? Come on now. You're assuming. The 'girl' I was flirting with is a friend. I've known her for two years now. Her name is Samantha and she's a very lovely woman. She always treats me and my band mates to a free round of drinks whenever we visit."

Naia crossed her arms against her chest with her eyes still on Lenny.

"Have you slept with her?"

"Oh my G—are you serious right now?"

"Yes. The fact you're avoiding answering the question says a lot, Leonard." She turned to walk over to the driver side of the car.

Lenny shook his head in frustration as he walked over to the passenger side. Earlier that night he had given her the keys to keep up with in fear he may accidentally set them down somewhere and forget them. He quickly regretted his decision in that moment.

"You're really going to drive off with my car?" He asked, looking over at her.

"Maybe..." She answered with her words trailing off. She pulled opened the door and got inside the car. Following suit, Lenny pulled opened the passenger side door and got inside as well.

"Naia, can you stop? I wanted us to have a good time tonight and you're throwing a tantrum like a jealous school girl."

His words made her stare at him in surprise. "A jealous school girl? Really, Leonard?"


"If I'm acting like a jealous school girl so be it. You're acting like a horny teenage boy when you're pushing sixty years old. Grow up and answer my question. Have slept with her or no?"

A deep sigh left his lips as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "No, I have never slept with her, Ms. Nelson."

She pondered whether he was telling the truth or not. If he was lying, she would find out eventually. Nothing stays in the dark for too long. But for the time being, she was going to let it go. After all, she had a lot of other things on her mind.

"Okay then..."

He extended his arm over to her to delicately rub the back of his hand against her cheek. "You have no reason to be so jealous. In case you didn't know, I only have eyes for you, beautiful."

She tried to suppress a smile as he rubbed his hand against her cheek, but failed.

"You're just saying that. We all know you have women practically throwing themselves at you."

"The latter is true. As for me 'just saying that' that isn't true at all. You're special, Naia. You're not like any other woman I've met or been with. You're career driven, loving, and smart. I love a woman who knows what she wants in life and strive to get it."

Naia smiled at him while he spoke so highly of her. The anger she once felt just moments ago had melted away completely.

"Oh, Leonard... you really know how to make a girl feel special and giddy inside."

"For special women such as yourself, it's only a fragment of what you deserve. There's so much more on the way." Lenny leaned over to press his lips against hers, leaving a soft kiss against her lips.

As she returned the kiss upon his lips, she laid the palm of her hand against his cheek until his lips pulled away from hers. A world wind of emotions ran through her mind in that moment. She was REALLY in love with his man. At this point, she couldn't deny it any longer.

Silence surrounded them as he trailed his fingertips up her arm while keeping his dark entrancing eyes on hers.

"I'm tired of sharing your presence with others now. I want you to myself. How about we ditch this spot and head back to my place, yeah?"

"I think that's a good idea. Besides, these shoes are beginning to hurt my feet."

He looked down at the black high heeled stilettos on her feet before bursting into laughter. "You poor thing. When we get home I'll rub them for you, deal?"

"Deal. And you can use the special oil I brought with me." A playful smile lingered on her face as she started the engine up.

"I was going to ask did you want me to drive home or not, but I see you got this. Don't get us lost now." He responded whilst reclining his seat back.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny!"

FacadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora