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The lights from the streets lit their way on the drive back to Lenny's trailer. For a moment, she was nervous she would forget how to get back to his place. When he drove them into town, she really wasn't paying that much attention. She was too occupied by the conversation they were having.

Along the way, Lenny made sure she made the right turns that would ultimately led them to his trailer. He lived on the outskirts of the city on his own little island to speak, especially since he had his own beach. The both of them made a promise they would go skinny dipping together before she left. It would definitely be a memory for the books.

When they finally made to his trailer, there was a black Lexus pulled up near his trailer. She recognized that car. It was the same car that was here earlier. She exhaled and ran her fingertips through her hair. It was her father.

"Great. Just when I thought tonight was going to be a good night."

"Maybe he's here to apologize."

"My dad? Apologizing? In this situation, it's not likely at all." She shut off the engine and handed the keys to Lenny.

The both of them got from out of the car. As Lenny and Naia got out of the car, the back door of the Lexus sprang opened and Prince stepped out of the car.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Naia asked, walking over to her father.

"I'm here to take you home. Our flight leaves in an hour."

"Home? I'm not going anywhere. I'm enjoying my time here."

"I bet you are. Look, you've had your fun, Naia. Now it's time to step back into reality. Whatever you and Lenny have going on needs to be stopped immediately. It just ain't right! He's old enough to be your father!" Prince exclaimed in his deep baritone voice.

Naia laughed and walked away from Prince. "You're the last person to preach about age difference dad. Don't even try it." She sauntered over to Lenny who stood by the steps that led to the front door of his trailer.

"Look dad, I love you, but you can't dictate how I live my life. You should be happy for me! Lenny... he makes me happy. That should be enough for you."

"Happy for you?" Prince retorted as he stepped closer to where Naia and Lenny stood.

"I will never support this fuckery you two have going on. He crossed the line. Would he have the same energy if I was fucking around with Zoë? I think not. Just come home with me and we'll forget this ever happened."

Naia turned her back to Prince. She adored her father immensely, but he was acting like she was committing a murder or something. The fact he wasn't being supportive of her seeing someone who made her happy, that hurt her a lot. And when she became overwhelmed with emotions, she had the habit of going silent.

Noticing her silence, Prince scoffed in an unamused manner and turned his attention to Lenny.

"I guess you're happy. You've turned my only child against me."

"Listen, man I did no such thing. You're the one coming out here acting like some unwanted bodyguard. I invited you here to hang out, relax, make some music—but instead, you want to try and hit me with your cane like you're on drugs."

"It's what you rightfully deserve. How can you even look me in the face, come out to my home, knowing you're doing wrong? You're just using her for sex. You're not even planning to marry her."

"That's a lie! I'm not using her. Sex, I can get that anywhere. It's bigger than that. Naia is special— really special."

"No shit she's special. She's my child. Cut the Hallmark moment and let's get to the point. If she's sooo special to you like you claim, prove it."


"Marry her."

When Naia heard the mention of marriage being brought up, she turned around to look back at her father. "Are you crazy? I'm not ready to be nobody's wife!"

Prince shrugged his shoulders and pulled out some thick papers from his coat pocket. He handed the stapled papers to Naia.

"It's only right since you two are running around here playing house. If you want to do that, at least do it right and get married. Make my daughter an honest woman in the eyes of God."

She couldn't believe what she was reading. They were marriage papers. How did he even get these? She handed the papers to Lenny who looked just as surprised as her once he saw they're marriage paper work.

"Dad... I—I can't believe you'd do this! You and this Jehovah lifestyle of yours is driving me crazy! I'm just trying to have a good time!"

"I have to agree with Naia." Lenny added. "Marriage is a bit much and too soon."

"Look, Naia. Either you marry him OR I'm cutting you off. The cute little $8,000 a month apartment in New York? I'm not paying the rent. Your credit cards, trust fund, and you the beneficiary of my estate which is worth over $500 million—gone. I refuse to be embarrassed by my daughter who is fucking around with a man half her age."

Her heart dropped to her feet at his ultimation. Truth be told, without her father's help she would not be able to survive. The job she has doesn't pay near as much as what she gets from her father on a monthly basis. This was cruel. She had deep feelings for Lenny, but marriage?

"Well?" Prince's voice interrupted. "What's your answer?"

Lenny and Naia looked at each other, then down at the marriage papers, then back at Prince, and finally back at each other again. Lenny was the first one to break the silence.

"I'll marry her."

Naia fainted after hearing Lenny utter those three words.

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