Chapter 15

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It had been a week now since Naia had seen Lenny. By now he was in the Bahamas like he told her he was going to be at whilst working on new music. He called her nonstop trying to make up for what he said. He had even sent a lot of floral arrangements. Most women would have given in and forgave him by now, but after all Naia was her father's child. She would forgive him when she was ready and when she felt like it. It was kind of one her life mottos.

Naia was sitting in a booth at the restaurant L'Artusi when her phone suddenly vibrated in her lap. Figuring it was Lenny, she decided to wait until later to answer the text.

While waiting for her friend Cheri to arrive, a waiter came to her table asking if she was ready to order yet

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While waiting for her friend Cheri to arrive, a waiter came to her table asking if she was ready to order yet. Politely, she told the tall dark haired man no. In response, he smiled and walked away from her table.

It had been a while since Naia and Cheri had just one on one girl time. Ever since Cheri had a baby a year ago, her life became a lot more hectic. Seeing how drastically Cheri's life changed upon having her son, Naia knew she did not want children anytime soon.

"Well... since I'm waiting I may as well see what he wants." She muttered to herself as she picked her phone from off her lap. As soon as she swiped over to his message, her eyes widen at the photo that was displaying on her screen. This man did not just send her nude photos—and before 5PM she thought to herself.

"Whatever that is on that screen must be something out of this world." A familiar voice said.

Naia looked up from her phone to see her childhood best friend Cheri in front of her. She quickly turned the screen off and stood to pull Cheri into a hug.

"It's nothing

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"It's nothing. Just something work related." She lied pulling back from the hug. "Look at you. You look good, babes!"

"Shit. I'm trying to keep up with you!" Cheri exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

Cheri was one of the few people Naia knew that could make jeans and a black sweater look so chic.

The two women sat across from each other and picked up the menus from the table.

"What's new in your world with mommy hood and all?"

"Aside from Xavier not aiming properly in the training potty, he's learning to say more words. I'm still quite upset his first word was dada. Men."

Naia simply laughed at Cheri's lively response. "You should have seen that coming! I think it's pretty common for boys first words to be dada and girls first words are ma-ma. You're over here acting fake mad like you're not crazy over Adriano."

Cheri sighed like a teenage girl does whenever she sees her crush at the mention of Adriano. "You right. The one thing I hate about him is how he's scared of marriage. We've been together since the 11th grade. We have a whole baby now and damn near pushing twenty-five. I've told him if I don't have a ring by my twenty-seventh birthday, I'm heading out."

"Let's hope he goes out and get that ring soon then! I mean... I would hate to see you two break up. I really love you two together. Seeing you two together makes me believe maybe—just maybe love is worth it sometimes."

"Believe you me, it is worth it. No. Let me rephrase that. It's worth it when it's with the right person."

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