Chapter 6

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"Oh grow up. I don't have nothing you haven't seen before."

She walked over to him to snatch the shirt and toothbrush from out of his hands. Seeing him blush and feeling a slight bit of awkward was cute to her.

"That is true. Still, you're one of my best friend's and not to mention mentor's daughter."


"...... And I should go."

Just as Lenny said that he left from out the bedroom. Naia laughed to herself with a shake of her head.

"Light weight."

Naia took the shirt and toothbrush Lenny had given her into the bathroom. She finished taking off the remainder of clothing she had on off. Which were her matching white laced panties and bra. She slipped into the shirt easily. Despite the shirt not being very large, it still fit loosely on her body. On the sink sat a tube of toothpaste. She broke the package off the toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste onto her brush. Her mind began to drift off as looked in the mirror whilst brushing her teeth. This was in no way what she had planned for the day. She thought after she had sketched a few designs for an upcoming show she would be back home in her cosy little loft apartment. But she wasn't complaining. It was always good to see Lenny, and it had been weeks since she had seen him last. She couldn't shake off the feelings that were growing for him. Something about her attraction to him was exciting. She knew she shouldn't cross those boundaries, but that only made her want him more. After she finished brushing her teeth, she rinsed out her mouth and toothbrush with warm water. With Lenny still on her mind, she turned off the bathroom light and walked from out of the bathroom.

"I wonder what he's up to. I guess there's only one way to find out."

She left from out of her bedroom and walked down the hall to where Lenny's room were. It was a short walk yet the hallway seemed longer than it actually was. His bedroom door was closed. She debated whether she should knock or not. Ultimately, she decided to knock on the door. To her surprise, he opened the door. There he stood in front of her, shirtless. She played off the fact that him not having on a shirt turned her on immensely.

"Can I help you? I thought you would be off to dreamland right now." He replied pushing his bedroom door wider.

"I can't sleep. I'm not tired. Besides, you dragged me here so I could keep you company, and I can't do it while in another room."

Naia brushed passed him and walked into his slightly dark room. The only light available was the glare from the TV. The TV's volume was very low, but she could see as clear as day that he were watching the news. After Naia escourted herself into Lenny's bedroom, he closed the door behind her.

"Really? You're watching the news?"

"Of course. I like to be informed at what's going on in the world. It's fascinating."

"Not really. It's depressing as fuck. Every time you blink something bad has happened or something bad is going on somewhere. I try to stay away from anything news related."

"Being less knowledgeable about what's going on doesn't make it go away. It's still occuring whether you pay attention to it or not."


There was a brief silence between the two as they just stared at each other. Lenny walked over to where Naia stood and gently brushed his thumb against her cheek.

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