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Quickly, she made her way down the hall in the direction of the bathroom. For a second, she thought she wasn't going to make it. Everything she ate that morning came back up. That was weird, but she chalked it up to being some bad fruit. Once she was done throwing up, she rolled off a small portion of tissue to wipe her lips and flushed the toilet. She hated vomiting. It always left her feeling weird afterwards. Hopefully that would be the last time that happened. The soap dispenser in the bathroom was sensor activated.

It didn't even need to be touched. All she had to do was hold her hand underneath the soap dispenser and it squirted a good amount of foamy soap onto her hands. The sink faucet was the same way as well. Talk about being convenient. After she finished lathering the soap onto her hands, she held them underneath the warm water and rinsed them off until all the soap was gone from her hands. When she was done, she left the bathroom and headed back down the hall to the studio.

"Well, welcome back. Are you alright?" Lenny asked, looking up from the piano keys as she walked back into the room.

"Yeah. I think the breakfast we had this morning didn't agree with me. Those must was some bad strawberries and cantaloupes."

"Bad strawberries and cantaloupes? I think you've got it all wrong. I only have the best quality of fruits and vegetables. Maybe the heat caused your nausea. It can have that effect on people."

"I haven't even thought about that. You maybe right." She sauntered over to the piano which he sat behind and leaned against the side of it.

"Of course I am. I'm always right." He replied in a jokingly tone.

"Oh, shut up." She laughed.

"No worries. We won't be here too long." He responded as he stood from the piano bench. "I just need to lay a few backing vocals for this song I'm working on. I originally had plans on asking you of doing me the honors and blessing me with those vocals of yours. But I don't want to get yelled at again, so I'll do them myself."

"I didn't mean to yell at you. I just don't like someone pressuring me to do something I don't want to do."

"I wasn't pressuring. I was simply implying. It don't matter anyways."

Naia didn't understand why he made such a big deal about it in the first place. It's like because of her family history, people expect her to be apart of the music business. That's just something that doesn't interest her. Aside from that, she loves her privacy.  Once she gets into the entertainment world, all that will be out the door. Then again, once the news of her engagement to Lenny gets out she won't be having that much privacy anymore. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

She watched as Lenny flipped on some switches on the sound board before walking into the studio both. As soon as he put on those headphone, he began harmonizing vocal runs. Despite the few people who think he can't sing, that was the furthest thing from the truth. Many downplay his vocal abilities mainly because he doesn't flex them much. Most of his songs are rock infused songs, but when he listen to his ballads, the beauty of his voice shines through. For that reason alone that's why his ballads were her favorites from him.

As she watched him harmonize in the soulful falsetto voice she loved, a look of admiration glistened in her eyes. If only he made more songs show casing that beautiful voice of his she thought to herself. Minutes later, he was done and he stepped from out of the booth. She greeted him with applause.

"That was great! I can't wait to hear the finished product." She chimed with a smile.

"Thank you, babe. I can't wait for you to hear the finished product! I think you'll love it." He pressed a button on the soundboard to play back the vocals he had just recorded and then he pressed stop.

"I like that. I think I'm gonna keep them." He then turned to Naia. "What do you say we get out of here and go have a drink?"

"I say I love the sound of that."

Taking her hand into his, he led her out the studio.

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