Chapter 23

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Later that night, Lenny and Naia was laying on a huge beach towel—nude on the beach. One would suspect mosquitoes would be pretty bad because of the climate temperature and moisture, but luckily that wasn't the case. Absentmindedly, her fingertips trailed along his torso as they laid next to each other in silence.

Usually, she didn't like silence when it came to being with someone. It would just end up making things awkward, but with Lenny, that wasn't the case. It was oddly comforting. Just weeks ago she didn't know what to label what they had going on, and now she was practically engaged to him— of course thanks to her father and his threats. She was the first to break the silence by asking something that had been on her mind for a few days now.

"Do you think your mother would have liked me if she was still here?"

He stayed silent briefly before moving his hand to her cheek. "She would have loved you. That I have no doubt about." 

Naia smiled at him and grabbed his hand that was on her cheek, and planted a soft kiss against the back of his hand. Though he forced a smile on his face at her question, she knew deep down he was still hurt by the loss of his mother. That made her think about her own mom. God forbid something was to happen to her or her father, she wouldn't know what to do or how to go on living. Not wanting this to be a sad moment, she climbed on top of him and grazed her fingertips along his soft lips.

"You remember that night after we got done having sex and I told you 'I love you'?"

He nodded and laid his hands against her waist.

"Well, I wasn't just saying that because I was still on a climatic high. Well—maybe a little. But nevertheless, I meant what I said. I love you. I'm in love with you. I have fallen so deeply. Needless to say there's no coming back now."

"I can attest that the feeling is mutual, my love."

"Say it back then."

"Say what back?"

"I love you."

"I did."

"No, you just said 'same' basically."

"Shut up." He pulled her down onto him and pulled her into a kiss before she could respond.

His hands trailed down the back of her thighs before flipping them over so he was on top of her.

She pulled away from the kiss and slapped the palm of her hand against his cheek. He looked down at her stunned.

"What the fuck, Naia?"

"I should say the same thing since you can't say 'I love you' back. Some 'fiancé' you are." Pushing him off of her, she sat up and began getting up.

Before she could stand, Lenny grabbed her by her waist. "You're being so dramatic over nothing. I told you I love you."

"Again. You did not."

"I just did."

Unamused, she sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. "Just get off me, Leonard."

With that, he let go of her waist and she retreated back into the trailer. 'What a clown' she thought to herself as she pulled the bottle of white wine from the fridge. She had been there for three days now and she still wasn't used to the small kitchen area in the trailer. How could anyone live like this even if it was just for a few months. She looked around for a wine glass and a cork screw to remove the cork from the bottle.

After looking in the top cabinet, she found a wine glass, however, the cork screw was nowhere to be found.

"Well. That's weird." She responded thinking out loud.

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