chapter 13

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Naia stood from the sofa and gathered her clothes that was scattered on the floor. She caught a glimpse at the clock on the wall and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was now 11:30 AM. The meeting she was supposed to be at was pretty much over now or at least close to ending. Her gaze shot over to Lenny who was now putting his pants back on.

"Since you're getting dressed I take it you don't want to shower with me, hm?" She asked, inching closer to him.

A small smile grew present on Lenny's lips as he wrapped one of his arms around her waist. "Is this your way of offering me an invite?"


"How about you say please too."

Playfully, Naia rolled her eyes and pushed him away from her. "Don't push it, Leonard."

She turned to walk in the direction of her bathroom.

"I thought we got passed that. You know I hate when you call me that!" He chuckled following behind her to the bathroom.

When they entered into her bathroom, she turned to look at him with a confused on her face. "I don't see why you get your drawers in a bunch when I call you that. After all, it is your name..."

She paused speaking for a moment to put her clothes in the hamper. She then turned around to look at him with a smirk on her face. "Leonard."

Lenny grimaced at the sound of his full name. That made Naia laugh heartily. She continued to laugh as she walked over to her walk in shower to turn on the water.

Once the water began running from the shower head, she stuck her hand underneath the water to check the temperature. Seeing that it was a temperature to her liking, she stepped into the shower. Lenny pulled off his pants and tossed them to the side before stepping in the shower as well.

"I hope you don't mind the scent of lavender vanilla body wash." She expressed grabbing a wash cloth and her bottle of lavender vanilla shower gel.

"I don't mind. I love anything that smells good. I trust your judgement in scents." He took the shower gel from her hand and lathered it into his wash cloth as well. He then began rubbing the soapy wash cloth over his body.

Naia tried not to stare at him while running her fully lathered wash cloth over her body, but it was hard not to. He was just so damn sexy. Her thoughts began to trail off. What had he done to her? She was never the type who wanted sex all the time.

"I must tell you something." Lenny replied.

The sudden sound of his voice broke her away her the sexual thoughts that were in her head. She looked at him with a look of curiosity on her face.

"What is it?"

"After today, I will be leaving to go to the Bahamas." He continued. "I feel it's only right I tell you because I will be gone for a few weeks. I didn't just want to suddenly disappear again."

This came out of nowhere, and honestly Naia was pretty upset at him for suddenly springing this news on her. She scoffed and turned her gaze away from him.



"Yes. Ok. What else do you want me to say, Leonard?"

"I don't know exactly. I just don't get why you're being so pissy right now. You know I have a third home in the Bahamas. I'm working on another album and I need to go somewhere where there are no distractions."

Naia stayed silent and continued washing her body with her wash cloth. The sound of the water hitting the shower floor was the only sound that surrounded them.

It was evident her silence made Lenny upset. He muttered "Childish." under his breath. He thought Naia wouldn't hear it, but he was wrong. When she heard that, she turned around and slapped her hand hard against his cheek.

"You're the childish one. You're so full of shit and so inconsiderate! You come here—fuck me then decide all willy nilly you're going to leave the country for weeks."

"I didn't decide 'all willy nilly' this was planned for months now. I honestly don't get why you're all upset. You're not my woman!"

His words stung. Though it hurt her to hear that, he was right. She was not his woman. She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a large towel to wrap around her body. Right now she didn't want to be around him. Naia left from out of the bathroom.

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