Chapter 18

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Morning seemed to have come earlier than expected. Naia had spent most of the night making arrangements to go The Bahamas to see Lenny. She knew it was a rather rash decision, but truth be told, she was missing him immensely. Her worse nightmare was beginning to become a reality—she was starting to develop feelings for him. Despite all the sex the both of them had, Naia knew he wouldn't want to officially date her. Hell, if her parents found out they were sleeping together all hell would break loose. Then there's Zoë—she could only imagine how she would take the news.

But all that had to be put on the back burner. Today she had a meeting with the company she worked for. She was going to bring in a few sketches of ideas she had in mind for the upcoming spring collection for the 'Valisse' brand. After getting herself dressed and preparing herself mentally for the day, Naia grabbed her sketch book from off the dining room table and headed out the door.

The walk from her apartment to the building where they building was being held was a good twenty to twenty five minute walk. She didn't mind it. With New York being such a lively city with so many different types of people, it was never a dull moment. Her parents however hated the fact she would walk to the place her job was, especially her father. With her being the only child of Prince, he was more protective over than her mom was. After the relationship with her father ended, her mom Nona went on to have two other children with a man whom she was engaged to at one point. Unfortunately, they never made it to the alter.

As Naia walked along the concrete with the sound of her heels hitting against the pavement, she hummed a random tune. Sometimes melodies would come to her out of nowhere. Most of the time she would ignore it and other times she would tell her father about them and they would collaborate and make a song out of it. That would usually led to her father telling her she was doing the wrong thing—career wise and should think about getting into the music business. Naia thought about it, but ultimately that just wasn't her passion. Perhaps she would look into becoming a songwriter in time. That was something that crossed her mind every now and then.

When Naia arrived at the headquarters for the 'Valisse' agency, she walked through the revolving doors that led her into the lobby. At the front desk sat a light skinned girl with brown hair and hazel like eyes. She was Aubrey's—whom is Naia's boss, right hand wing woman. Something about her was just stuck up like and Naia wasn't too fond of it, but she knew she had to be professional. She walked up the receptionist desk and gave a friendly smile to Chloé.

"Hey, I have an appointment with Aubrey today. Is she in?"

Chloé looked up from her computer screen with a slight scowl on her face. "Look who's here. I haven't seen you around in a while now. I figured Miss. Aubrey would have came to her senses and let you go by now. She's in though. Let me call her and see if she's ready for you."

The unnecessary comments regarding her sudden absences wasn't expected or needed at all. But with Chloé, it should have been expected. While Naia waited as Chloé made the call to Aubrey, she looked through her designs one final time. She hoped they would impress Aubrey.

"Miss Aubrey said she will see you now." Chloé uttered in a monotone voice.

Naia sauntered down the hall, three doors down which led to Aubrey's office. As she was about to enter her office, she heard Chloé yell out, "Good luck. You need it." In a condescending tone.

Naia glared at her with an annoyed look and walked into the office. If only she would get fired or something.

FacadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora