Chapter 5

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As soon as she uttered those words, Naia regretted even saying what she said. At the same time, she did not. Over the past few years as she got older, her attraction to Lenny became so much more than just a school girl crush. She thought he would laugh at her and tell her to go to bed. After all she was someone who were friends with his daughter and whom he has known since she was a child. She mentally prepared for the worse.

"Aren't you're cute? Then I guess I should say I'm flattered you like what you're seeing whilst she stare at me, right?" He flashed his infectious smile at her as he stepped closer to her.

"Cute? I'm 24 years old. Cute is for kids and teenagers."

"My apologies. Let me correct myself then. My, aren't you beautiful?"

Naia brushed off his compliment. She knew he only said it because she made a big deal about not wanting to just be called cute. She knew Lenny very well. She didn't look a thing like his past flames. She weren't white not a model.

"Don't patronize me, Leonard. You said what you meant. I'm just 'cute'. Thank you."

"Call me Leonard one more time and I swear-"

"Or what? I don't see why you get so upset when I call you Leonard. It's your name!"

"Would you look at the time? It's time for you to go to bed. Come. I'll show you to your room for the night."

Lenny turned to walk out of the kitchen. He motioned for Naia to follow behind him, and she did just that. His house was huge, a literal mansion. Each room in the house including the living room and kitchen were twice the size of a studio apartment in Brooklyn. She held on to the lavishly designed rail on the winding staircase as they made their way up the stairs.

"You know, I don't have any sleeping clothes or a toothbrush. I can't sleep in my dress and I definitely can't go without brushing my teeth."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about the toothbrush thing. I have an extra one in the master bathroom that I'll let you have. As for your sleep wear..."

He stopped in the doorway of a room that was next to Zoë's old bedroom.

"You could sleep nude or in one of my shirts. You take the pick."

With a smug grin, he stepped away from the doorway of the bedroom. Naia walked inside and turned on the lights. Like the rest of the house it too was lavishly designed. There was a regular queen size bed and a day bed by the window. From how tidy the room was it was clear no one has stayed in there for awhile.

"Nice room and the bed looks comfy too. And you know what?"


"I'd like one of your shirts to sleep in."

"A shirt and toothbrush coming right up."

With that, he left to go retrieve the shirt and toothbrush from his bedroom. Naia wondered around the room, exploring everything. On the nightstand by her bed were finely crafted figurines. Most of them looked like figurines she had never seen before. They were most likely from other countries. She explored the closet, which was empty. Huge but empty. After exploring what she wanted a closer look at, Naia began pulling off her dress. She tossed the dress on the day bed by the window.

"Here, I don't know if you'll like this but... Wow! I'm sorry. I didn't know you were half naked."

Naia swiftly turned around to see Lenny holding a medium sized grey shirt with blue writing on it, and a toothbrush that were still in the package.

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