Chapter 24

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It seemed as if the days was long and the nights went by extremely fast. Naia was still pretty exhausted from her late night rendezvous with Lenny. She wanted to sleep for most of the day, but when he offered to take her with him to the studio as he finished up some backing vocals for a few songs, that was an opportunity she couldn't turn down.

Besides that, it gave her a chance to see more of the beauty of Georgetown and get out of that small trailer.

While she waited for him to come outside, she stood outside the trailer playing with his dogs JoJo and Leroy. During her time with Lenny, she had slowly grown to not be too afraid of the dogs. Like their owner, they were sweet and pretty much followed her and Lenny where ever they went. Whenever she would throw a tennis ball, they would bring it back to her and drop the ball by her feet. They were beginning to make her want a pet of her own. Only she would want a smaller pet. Maybe a cat or a King Charles Spaniel puppy.

"Alright. I'm ready to head out now." Lenny's voice called out behind her.

"Finally. What were you doing in there? Beating your meat?"

"Now why would I do that when I have you here, hm?"

In a playful manner, she rolled her eyes and gave him a slight shove against his shoulder. "Shut up."

"I'm just saying! Come on. Let's go head out to the studio."

They turned to walk over to the car that was parked just a few inches away from the trailer. Like always, his dogs JoJo and Leroy was following behind them. When Lenny saw his beloved pets following them, he instructed for them to go back the little houses he had built especially for them. And surprisingly, they listened. Naia watched in amazement as the dogs followed his command.

"How you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make them listen like that. It's almost as if they can understand you. I've never seen someone who have that much control over their pets."

Lenny simply laughed and opened the passenger side of the door. "They're just smart like that."


Once she got in the car, he closed the door behind her and went to get in on the other side. As he started the engine and proceeded to pull out of the driveway, she reached over to fumble with the radio in hopes of finding a song to her liking.

Lenny noticed her fumbling through each radio station and laughed.

"What exactly are you looking for specifically?"

"A good song that's what." She answered continuing to go through each station. On one station, the intro to her father's song 'Diamonds & Pearls' began to play. Before the song could go any further, she turned off the radio.

"On second thought, we don't need any music."

Lenny briefly glanced over at her before turning his attention back to the road.

"That's too bad. I actually like that song."

"I do too, but right now I don't want to hear my dad's voice."

"I take it you're still upset?"

"Of course. Aren't you? I mean, he was trying to FIGHT you and with his cane no less. Who does that?! On top of that, he threatened me with an ultimatum. This guy would rather see his own flesh and blood struggle instead of her being happy and living her best life. I just find that pretty mean."

"That I am upset about. He still hasn't even apologized for that. If he was anybody else, he would have gotten dealt with. I honestly was easy on him because he's my friend and your dad. And I agree. Him threatening to stop helping you out financially is pretty shitty and petty. But I don't think he would really do that. After all, you're his only child."

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