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After the whole thing that happened with Cheri at the restaurant, Naia returned home. As soon as she walked inside, she kicked off her high heels and immediately sauntered over to the sofa.

She hoped everything would turn out okay for Cheri's sister

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She hoped everything would turn out okay for Cheri's sister. Seeing the people she loved so distraught effected her heavily, especially since was a feeler. As she laid down on the sofa, she scrolled through the apps on her phone aimlessly. Living alone sometimes could be quite lonely. She couldn't see how her dad or Lenny could do it. The only sound that bounced off the walls of her apartment were talking from the TV, and half the time she never even paid that much attention to what was playing on the TV. She closed the app she was scrolling through went back to her text messages-specifically Lenny's messages. Naia was beginning to miss him. But she felt confused. As she looked at the nude photos he sent her, she didn't know if she missed him or just his dick. Lenny was without a doubt the best lover she had. Perhaps it was both.

Putting her phone on speaker, she dialed Lenny's number. Patiently she listened as the phone rang on the other end. 'He's not going to pick up. He's probably busy with some island hoes.' She thought in the back of her mind. Her second guessing was beginning to get the best of her. Right as she was about to end the call, the familiar raspy voice answered.

"Hello?" Lenny answered.


"Hey yourself. I've been waiting on you to call."

"Is that right?"


Abruptly, there was a brief silence on both ends. Sometimes there were moments when Naia just didn't know what to say, especially when it came to talking on the phone. The silence was broken by the sound of Lenny's voice as he began to speak again.

"I wrote a song about you last night. It's the craziest thing-it came to me so suddenly."

".... You did?" Naia couldn't help but smile at the fact a song was written about her.

"Yep. I want you to hear it. I think you will like it."

"Interesting. I just hope it's not some diss song similar to the ones my dad has written about his exes."

Lenny chuckled heartily. "No. It's nothing like that! I'm the type of man that when a relationship turns sour, I keep it private. Like Prince-your father, I'm a private man. I think you know that yourself. I've known you your whole life."

"You have... and honestly, I can't help but wonder is it weird for you sometimes. You know... when we have sex."

"Why would it be weird? We're both consenting adults, Naia."

"I know that. I just mean, you've known me since I was a child. Zoë and I used to have numerous of play dates and sleepovers. Let's be honest, you're old enough to be my father. Zoë is only a few years older than me."

"You have to bring up the age gap. No, I don't find it weird. Since you brought it up, you must feel 'weird' sleeping with a man who's old enough to be your father?"

"No, I don't."

"Then why bring it up, hm?"

Naia didn't know what to say to that. She stayed silent and absentmindedly rubbed the tip of her blue colored manicured nails against the smooth fabric of her velvet pillow.

"Are you still there?" Lenny asked.


"Good. I have to leave soon. The family is having a cookout just because. It's sort of become a tradition. They always do this when they know I'm going to be around. But anyways, I want you to come see me. As soon as possible."

Following his words, a hearty laugh erupted from her lips. "What. You want me to drop EVERYTHING and take the next flight to see you?"


"Leonard, I can't."

Lenny scoffed. "Bullshit. And I've told you about calling me that."

The authoritative tone within his voice caught her off guard. It wasn't a tone she was used to hearing from him.

"Calm your balls. I honestly can't. I have work that I'm so behind on, Lenny. I can't risk getting fired."

"Naia, I don't think you understand. I need you. I need to feel the softness of your skin again mine-I need to see the heavy ecstasy filled lust in your eyes as I bring you to your climax. Come here and let me please you in the way only I can."

Speechless and aroused at the same time, Naia bit on her bottom lip. "Mmm..." she slightly moaned.

"I take that as meaning I'll see you by Friday?"

"I'll see what I can do." She responded in a teasingly tone. With that, she ended the call and laid her phone on the coffee table in front of her sofa.

"Oh, Leonard. You will surely be the death of me one day. I mean, am I really going to take a flight way to the Bahamas for some dick? You're absolutely right." She got up from the sofa and headed in the direction of her bedroom.

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